Chapter 2

I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I got lost in them as if I was being hypnotized. I don't know what I'm doing, my legs are moving me toward him and I can't stop them, it felt like an unknown power is taking over my senses and movements. He approaches me without dropping the gaze, we're inches away from each other and I didn't realize that we were this close until he warped his arms around my waist which made me feel sparks.

'What is happening?' was the only thing on my mind, this felt so strange, I can't understand why I'm allowing this unknown person to be this close to me and to put his hands on me, and the bigger question was 'Why am I enjoying it?'

"Mine" he growls, his voice sending chills down my spine and I involuntarily nodded my head as if agreeing with him. His eyes held so many emotions in them, it was hard to know what he was feeling. But when the bell rang announcing that it was time for the class to begin, I realized where I am and what I am doing, and I immediately get out of his grip which made him frown at my sudden action.

I turn around not daring to look back and start running toward the girls' bathroom. I don't know where's Lauren, but at this moment I didn't care, I only wanted to go to the bathroom and hide there till this day ends.

It's weird I didn't even know his name and I don't remember seeing him in school before perhaps he is a new student. And that's when I started freaking out, how did this happen, getting this close to each other the look we shared, I don't understand why I'm so embarrassed I feel like I can't show him my face from now on. But wait, why am I thinking a lot about this? Maybe he won't remember me or remember this, whatever it is called, and there's a big chance that we never have to face each other again, and if I see him in the hallway I won't look at him and that's it, I won't think about this anymore.

Though I can't forget his charming eyes, it was a weird feeling, my heart was beating so hard as if it was gonna jump out of my chest when he touched me, and I swear I heard something in my head that told me 'It's our mate' I had never heard anything like this it's so confusing!

The bell rings announcing that the next class is going to begin that's when I realize that I've spent a whole period in the bathroom freaking out about a small incident that might have just been a misunderstanding.


I take a look in the mirror, I looked a bit stressed so I washed my face to cool down a bit then left heading for my History class, I get in and sit in the back, I'm not a fan of history. I get my book out of my bag waiting for the class to be full and for the teacher to get in.

Oh that smell again, it's coming back. Looking at the door I notice the new guy coming in.

Ugh! Did he have to be with me in this class?

I tried not to look at him hoping he won't notice me, I concentrate on my book not giving him much attention, but then I feel him sit beside me as his smell gets intensified. As soon as he sits I try to get up to change my place but the teacher enters signaling that the period has begun and there's no going back now.

Fortunately, he didn't talk to me at all, though every while I glance at him and I see him looking at me, which felt a bit creepy, but the creepier is that deep inside I liked it.


It's been four days since that day when I met him, I still don't know his name. He sits beside me every day in History class, he doesn't talk, and thankfully he stopped staring. Every time I see him my heart starts beating fast and it's giving me hard time concentrating in class, all I think about is how close he is to me, I feel every move he makes.

I'm standing across my locker taking the books I'll need in first class when someone hugs me from behind, "Happy birthday!" said Lauren.

"Thanks," I reply closing the locker's door.

"So tell me how does it feel to be sixteen, I'm so excited! My birthday is next month and I can't wait!"

  "Oh well, it feels like nothing really, I don't feel any change," that's real I don't feel so happy about it, but the only thing I'm excited about is going home and reading the letter from my father. "Hey, I wanna ask you something. Um... Do you know the new boy I saw that day?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I know he's Daniel's friend, his name is Jacob. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing really, just curious. You know me."


It takes forever for the day to end, and I can't wait anymore. When I got home I wasn't surprised that my mother wasn't there, of course, she would be having lunch out with her new husband, she was doing it so much lately.

I rushed to my room and took a box that was under my bed. I took out the letter that was inside, the letter from my dear father, I feel a little bit nervous as I open the envelope and start reading.