Chapter 3

"Dear Melanie,

If you're reading this letter that means I couldn't make it, I hope that you're not sad about it, I want you to be happy and don't think that I'm not with you now because I'm dead, I'll always be with you wherever you go, and I know you will always make me proud of you.

I'm sorry I can't be with you on your sixteen's birthday, it's a very important age to you and to me because several changes will happen.

There's something very important you should know I wanted to tell you this while being with you, but I'm sure you can handle it on your own, I've always known you're strong. I don't want you to freak out, the truth my girl is that you and I aren't normal people, we are not humans we're werewolves!

Remember my angel when I used to tell stories about werewolves, packs, Alphas, Betas...The stories that there are people who look like human but they can change into wolves on the full moon, I was preparing you for this day the day I will tell you the truth about our identity.

I always wanted to tell you this but I never had the time and I was afraid that I'll die before I tell you the truth. I had chosen the day you turn sixteen because on the next full moon you will transform, I wished to be with you on your first transformation, it will be a little bit painful, but as the time goes, the pain will disappear and after you find your mate your life will be complete, and I will find peace.

I hope that you find your mate, he's going to be your one, only true love, and after he marks you and you complete the mate bond you will be inseparable, you can't change the decision of the Moon Goddess because she will give you the best mate for you.

Helen isn't your real mother, she doesn't know about werewolves, I married her after your mother passed away while giving birth to you. Your mother was my mate she was a great she-wolf, I didn't tell Helen my secret and you should not tell her, we can't expose ourselves to human.

You belong to the Green Woods pack, you should go to Alpha Jackson, he was a good friend of mine, you should respect him. He is your leader. He will help you, and you will tell him about your situation and he will decide what you will do until you find your mate and live with him.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier you deserved to know the truth but I couldn't, I hope you can understand my situation, I know it's so confusing for you, your life will change from now on, it won't be the same but you have to live with the fact that you are a werewolf, and you can never change that. I know my little girl is strong and she can go through everything, you are strong baby girl remember that you are strong!

I love you and I know that you will make me and your mother proud of you.

Your loving father

David Black ."

I was crying but I don't know why, am I crying because my father had died, am I crying because I'm not living with my true mother and that my real mother had died before I had the chance to see her, am I crying because my life was a lie and that I'm not human...

Oh my goodness, I'm not human!

So it was true all these stories that he told me were true, I should accept this fact, and I should make my parents proud of me. It's so hard to believe my whole life will change, and this woman I'm living with isn't my real mother! Why should I stay with her, she wasn't treating me well from the day my father had passed, this was the reason, she doesn't want to keep me!

My phone rang, it was Lauren "Hey girl what are you up to?"

"Nothing much, I'm at home, do you want to come we can have a girl's night," I said.

"So if you don't mind, we're going to celebrate your birthday !"

"And how we will be 'celebrating' my birthday!"

"That means you don't mind. Okay so dress up I'm picking you up in an hour be ready. "And she hung up.

I put a dress on, and some makeup then headed downstairs ready for whatever Lauren will do tonight.

As I was going to walk out of the door mom, or should I say my stepmother shouted: "Where are you going?"

"And why should I tell you?"

"What is this new attitude young lady, I don't accept this under my roof."

"Then I won't live under it anymore."

"Why're you acting this way?"

"Do you even remember what day is this... Of course, you won't only my mother will know this day."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, I know the truth you don't have to keep acting like you're the caring mother, I want to thank you for helping my father so he can raise me, I think that my mother is also thankful. You can live now without thinking about me you have a husband now, I'll be leaving forever, and I won't change this decision I think it's goodbye then. Oh, and today was my birthday "

I left, she didn't say anything. I think she wanted this but couldn't tell me I made it easy for her. I don't care where I'll be living, now I will go with my friend and have fun, after all, it's my Birthday! I should be happy and enjoy it, I think I will go to Alpha Jackson as my father had told me and he will help me.