Chapter 4

I see Lauren waiving from her red car, I get in the car and sit in the passenger seat. "Hi!" I greet.


"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!"

She starts driving and I turn the radio on and my favorite song come on 'Blank space' for Taylor Swift, and we start singing along.

I was happy, Lauren always can change my mood and make me happy. The new information that I knew earlier shot me, it was unbelievable, it's like I'm dreaming. Sure my dreams are unbelievable but definitely not like that, the world now looks like a lie, everything wasn't like I used to see it, it all feels different, I was living in a lie my whole life.

The car pulls in a parking lot and I can hear loud music coming from the house in front of me, I look at my friend questing but she was just smirking.

We get out of the car and head to the house. Teenagers are everywhere in this mansion drinking, dancing, playing, and of course couples ...

I see Daniel, Lauren's ex, coming towards us with a huge smile on his face "Hey love!" he comes and kisses Lauren then turn to face me "Happy birthday Melanie".

And there I stand confusedly until Lauren speaks "So there was something I was willing to tell you about but I forgot, Daniel and I... Uhh... We got back together... "

"But he cheated on you! ".

"Oh that, um.. well it wasn't like that it's, um.. it was his cousin it was only a miss understanding, I did mess up so much but we just realized our faults and forgave each other "

"I'm so happy for you, I'll leave you two. "

"Where are you going, your not leaving this party!"

"No don't worry I'm going to have a drink from the kitchen."

I head to the kitchen and in the middle, I see a big table filled with red cups, I pick up one and go back but I couldn't find them.

So I'm alone here. Great!

I wondered in the house, the music was so loud and everyone was dancing everywhere they seemed happy, how could anybody be that happy? Why can't I be happy? How could they dance and don't care about anything? I want to scream, this secret is eating me inside and I can't tell anyone about it, and if I want to tell them what can I say "Hi I'm not human I'm a creature who turns into a wolf!" they will freak out, they would kill me!

It's like a dream that never ends. I wish it was one, I wish to wake up and see my mother in the kitchen preparing breakfast and father getting ready to go to work, but I know it will remain a wish.

I started drinking a lot, I just wanted to forget everything and dance, I wanted to feel happy, I wanted to feel normal again. I think I drank over 12 full cups of alcohol, but I really don't care. I head to the dance floor and start dancing. When I'm dancing I feel hands brushing to the bare skin of my waist, I turn around and there was a guy holding my waist, I think he wants to dance with me and I didn't mind. He started moving closer, his hands are trailing down my body under my dress, I tried so hard to get his hands off of me but he didn't move, then he took my hand and dragged me into a room, I couldn't find a way to escape, he started moving towards me and he throws me on the bed that I didn't realize that was in there, he hovered over me and started kissing my neck. I started to scream and cry out loud. He put his hand over my mouth to stop my screaming and said "Now be a good girl and stop screaming, it won't take long, it won't hurt. "

My body was trembling under him, someone helps me! oh god! As he was taking off my skirt the door flew open and I heard a loud growl, and in seconds the freak was off of me and there he was my savior, Jacob, he was punching the man and kicking him. And then my vision was blurring and I started seeing black spots, the last thing I saw was Jacob running towards me and he caught me before I fell, and then everything went black.