Chapter 9

Melanie's P.O.V. :

I felt the sunlight coming from the windows even though I was closing my eyes, I tried to open them but the light was so bright for them, so I tried to move my hands up to my eyes but something was holding it. I quickly opened my eyes ignoring the burning sensation I felt.

I looked around the room I was in.

Where am I?

I looked to my right and saw someone holding my hand but I couldn't see his face. I panicked I don't know this place, I tried to get my hand out so I can run away, I felt uncomfortable with not knowing where I am, I was shaking my hand when this man started to move, he had his face buried in the bed while holding my hand, he was asleep but not anymore, he started to lift his head and then I saw him. It was Jacob.

I felt the anger rose in me again when the actions of yesterday ruched into me, I remembered what happened when I was in the cafeteria when Carol kissed Jacob and then I ran to the forest and hit my head.

I immediately got up but then my head started to hurt, I held it with my hands I couldn't stand the pain that I was feeling, I felt two hands laying me back down to the bed, minutes later the pain lessened, I looked up to see him looking at me, I saw in his eyes a look of worry but it faded away.

"Where I am ?"I asked.

"In my house."He replied.

"Why I am here? I want to go back to Lauren 's house."

"No, you can't "


"You aren't healed yet you have to rest before ..."

"No I don't want to I want to go NOW" I snapped.

"You aren't leaving this house until I say so!" He growled.


"Don't try, I won't change my mind."

I sighed, his words didn't keep any place to protest."I... I I..."

"What do you need!"

"I need... um, I need to... ch-change."

"Okay change."

"But... I need some clothes."

"I'll get you some clothes, stay here I'll be back soon."

I nodded my head, he then walked out of the room. I tried to get up and find a way to escape but as I sat up on the bed the pain returned and I let a cry of pain, seconds later Jacob came rushing towards me, he held me tight and then I felt the pain go as he touched me, sparks spread through all my body, I felt so safe in his arms I didn't want to go away, I wanted to stay in his hands all my life, I felt my cheeks heat up as I got his hand off of me.

"What happened? Why were you crying ?"

"I... tried to get up and... and then my head started to hurt..."

"Is it still hurting?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you." I said, "Um... did you get me some clothes?"

"Yes take those." He handed me black jeans and a red shirt "but I don't think you can change by yourself because your head will hurt again, I will help you."

"NO!... No, I can change by my self, I only want to go to the bathroom."

"I don't think it would be a good idea."

"No that's okay I can do it I just need..." I was saying while I was getting up but then the world started spinning and I fell back on the bed.

"See you can't even get up, how would you change. I will help you and that's final."

He started undressing me, firstly he took off my shirt and then his eyes darkened, he stared at me with lust in his eyes, I felt so embarrassed, I coughed and he shook his head, and then he slipped the shirt over my head and then he took off my pants and quickly put the jeans on trying not to look at my naked legs.

When he finished I asked, "How much time I have to stay here?"

"I don't think you will ever leave."

"And why is that, you can't tell me what to do!"

"That's because I'm your mate and you will do as I tell you and you will never leave my side!"


"Didn't your father explain the mate thing to you ?"

"A little bit, but that's a... a..."

"First there's someone who wants to talk to you and then you can say whatever you want to say.

He then said, "Alpha Jackson you can come in."