Chapter 10

"Alpha Jackson?" I asked I think my dad had mentioned him in his letter ... yeah, he's the Alpha that I should've had went to but I forgot because of everything that happened lately. Maybe he can get me out of here because I feel uncomfortable, Jacob makes me feel...

A man enters the room bringing me back from my thoughts, it's probably Alpha Jackson he's tall and has a well-built body, green eyes, and fair skin, as his eyes landed on me, he said "Melanie Black" and I nodded "Where's your father? It has been a long time since I met him."

At the memory of my father, my eyes watered, my vision blurred and my heart sank. I really loved my dad he was the source of my happiness, he always said ' Happiness is the treasure of this world, I want you to be always happy only then you will be the richest person in the world' he always said he won't leave me alone and that he will be always by my side, he promised me, but he didn't keep his promises, he left, he left me all alone here with no one with me.

"He ... passed away ... this summer" I whispered, I couldn't let the sadness in my heart, I couldn't keep the tears from falling, ever since my father died I didn't cry because I know he wouldn't want me to cry, but now they fell down, I tried to be strong, I wanted to, but I wasn't strong enough. I was so embarrassed, I didn't like anyone seeing me crying, I didn't like people seeing me as a weak person, I lifted my hand to brush the tears from my wet cheeks, but before my hand could reach its destined place, I felt a soft hand take the traitors tears away leaving sparks on it way.

I lifted my head to see who's hand is this, and to my surprise, it was Jacob's, he was sitting beside me on the bed, his eyes held some worry in them for a few seconds but then it faded away, as he put a wall in front of his emotions. He kept his hand on my face for only a second then he took it off when he realized what he was doing, but I wanted it to stay there, I wanted him near me, I don't know why but it felt good, I felt somehow safe.

It's so weird!

"So Melanie, can I talk to you alone?" asked Alpha Jackson, before I can nod my head I heard a loud inhuman growl, it was Jacob he was so angry, I don't know why.

"No! you can only talk to her when I'm here," he said sternly. Alpha Jackson seemed very pissed but he didn't push it anymore.

"Okay then, I want you to tell me what you know about a werewolf." Alpha Jackson demanded.

I took a deep breath and started telling him"Well my father had left me a letter..." I couldn't finish my sentence as Alpha Jackson interrupted me.

"I know that he left a letter, he told me that he will write a letter for you in case he won't be alive when your sixteen, he wanted you to know, but I don't know exactly what he wrote to you so please continue."

"He told me that we are werewolves and that I will turn into a wolf on the next full moon. He did say that you're my Alpha and that I should go to you so you can help me, that's all that was in the letter. But when I was younger my father used to tell me bedtime stories about humans that can turn into wolves, but I forgot most of them because I never thought they were real." I said, and it was really that my dad used to tell me these stories, I never believed them I thought they were legendary stories, I still, for now, can't believe it, it's crazy!

I know you think that I'm overreacting, but it's not every day someone tells you that you will turn into a freaking wolf!

Alpha Jackson cleared his throat and began talking "So I have to explain it all. Okay then, firstly you get born as a werewolf you don't get a bite or anything else, it's in your genes, you start shifting after you're sixteen on the full moon that comes right after your birthday, after this full moon you can shift whenever you want to.

"There's also a pack and everyone in the pack have a role, there's the Alpha that rules the pack he makes sure that everyone is alright, don't need anything and safe, then there's the Beta who is the second in command, he helps the Alpha with the work, and then there's the Delta who train warriors.

"There's the Luna, she is the Alpha's mate she's his equal, and she helps him with the pack. Everyone in the pack should obey the Alpha's commands, but who goes against the rules will get kicked out of the pack and will live his life as a rogue.

" You should know that werewolves have abilities, they are so fast and strong, we can smell, see and hear better than humans, and we can communicate with mind-link, you can also talk to your wolf but you had shut off your communication with your wolf for years I think she's a little bit upset."

"There was this time when I heard something in my head but I couldn't know what it was."

"What did it say?"

"Um... It said..."I trailed off as I looked with the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob looking my way, I cleared my throat "It said 'It's our mate'."

Jacob shot up from his seat that was in the corner of the room and rushed towards me and asked: "When?"

"When what?"

"When did it say that?!"

I lowered my gaze and muttered in a low voice that I don't think he could hear it "When I first met you."

He smirked for a moment but then it disappeared, why does he always hide his feelings from me, I should ask him one day.

"So because you had found your mate you should stay in his pack, so you don't have to fly over my pack. I'm so sorry for your loss Melanie your father was a great man, I hope you can find happiness with your mate and I hope I can see you again." And with that, he left the room leaving me alone with Jacob, again.

"So you're a werewolf too!"I said.

"Yes, I am," Jacob replied.

But there's this 'mate' thing that he didn't talk about, what is it?


"Yes," he said looking at me.

"What is a mate?"