Chapter 21

Tracy was sitting on the sofa crossing her arms seemingly annoyed by the questions that were posed at her, after our encounter in the woods we headed back to the pack-house, we were now sitting in Jacob's office.

"I just don't understand why you came here!" Said Carl still angry by her presence, apparently, she's his mate as Jacob told me on our way back here. I was shocked, I have a cousin! I didn't think about family before, I used to think that my father had no siblings and that my grandparents had passed away before I was born.

I got up from the chair that was beside the table and went to the other side of it, getting closer to Jacob I leaned into him till my lips were inches away from his ear. Softly and with a quiet voice I said: "Could we just let it go, for now, she could have a room for the night and we can talk to her tomorrow." As I was talking Jacob seemed a bit tense, so I touched his shoulder softly and he stiffened so I just backed away looking at him confused.