Chapter 22

"So what do you feel about this girl, what is she called again?" Lauren said as she closed her locker and started walking with me to the exit doors.

"You mean Tracy. Well, it is kind of complicated, I'm really surprised! This wasn't expected, but I'm curious you know I've never had cousins and I'm excited, excited to know if maybe I have even more." I replied as we got outside and walked through the parking lot.

"It seems a bit odd that she just came out of nowhere, well at least we have something to have fun discovering! Hey!!", she said stopping as she turned me around to face her, "We still have to go shopping for the party."

"Oh yes, I forgot about this."

We reached Lauren's car, Jacob and Daniel were waiting for us. When Jacob noticed us he quickly came to my side and took me in his arms giving me a long hug as he whispered in my ear, "I missed you."

"You saw me like just two hours ago," I said once he set me down.