Chapter-1-Good or bad decision?

About five or six millennia ago, in the kingdom of the Amethyst Jewel Kingdom, lived a king named Mehti, he became a widower and had three daughters, Hanako the brunette with brown eyes, Janel the blue-eyed and the last the youngest and smaller Aziza who was the copy of the queen, she was more special to her form, she was sweet, intelligent and so pretty that any man from king and peasant would sell his soul to the devil to have the opportunity to look at her.

The king loved and cared for his three daughters equally and fulfilled their every whim and wish they asked, the years passed and the little ones grew and became more and more beautiful and intelligent than ever, the older sisters hated their younger sister for their beauty, sweetness, respect, intelligence and education that she always used when she asked for something or treated those of the court and both did everything to be better than her to show her father that they are better and help her father to cope with the death of his wife and queen.

On any given day, the king called his daughters to the royal hall and when he got there he is sitting on the throne with his daughters in front of him and asks each one

--Hanako my daughter, tell me my little and beloved princess, how much do you love me? -He asks with affection and sweetness to which she responds

-Daddy cute, I love you like honey-she adds smiling to what he happily replies

--May our gods take care of you and allow me to live longer to see you happy and with my own family - says the happy king and then look at his second daughter and say

--And you my sweet and beloved Janel tell me how great is your love for me?-now look at this other one who answers

- I my beloved daddy, I love you less than sugar and more than honey - she replies smiling to what he adds

-Thank you my daughter, may our gods give me time and see you just like your sister Hanako-he says smiling happily at the thought of how much his older daughters love him, he did not know that they were hypocrites and manipulators and knew how to handle their father when they wanted something, the king was happy to hear the responses of his daughters and now He looks at his youngest and youngest daughter, the living portrait of his wife, and says:

--Tell me my little and beloved Zizi, how great and sweet is your love for me? -He asks, hoping that his answer will be like that of his older daughters, but Ziza thinks and says sure of his words that will bring him later the entire happiness next to someone who never imagined:

--Dad, I love and respect you, but what I feel for you is not measured in the amount of honey, sugar or salt, rather I love you like salt since it does not matter what it tastes like, the sugar and the honey, being too sweet, cannot be used in food, but yes, it can be used, although not always--she says shy and embarrassed, but with love in her words, lowering her head and hearing her answer, her older sisters begin to laugh and the king is enraged and says rising from the royal throne:

Is that the way you say you love me?Didn't you listen to the answers from your older sisters? Why didn't you say the same?That's why I spend taking care of you and preventing something bad from happening to you? leave my palace and our lives and never come back here, do you understand? from today you stopped being my daughter and sister of your sisters - angry, the king responds to his little daughter who, upon hearing this, raises her face and says with tears in her eyes:

- Forgive me father, I did not want to offend and anger you, but I thought in my mind and the most logical answer I came to was to tell you that my love for you is neither below nor above that of my sisters like honey and the sugar-responds she crying to what this responds

--Shut up, how dare you name your sisters and speak ill of them? now leave and never dare to return, I do not want to know anything about you ever-demands the king

destroying the little heart of her daughter without realizing that later she will regret it, her older sisters tried to make her feel better, but that hurt her more, deep down they were happy that the king threw her out of the palace since they hated her for her beauty, intelligence, sweetness and many qualities that they lacked and the minor had too many, sighing and seeing that no one was helping her, she went to her room and changed into some old clothes, leaving the palace in the middle of the afternoon and wandering day and night. aimless night, not knowing how long has passed, has reached the palace of Egypt, where the gods sent her to know love and happiness.

She was so tired, hungry and hot that she decided to sit down to rest in front of the door of the royal palace, falling asleep all night, the next morning the sun rose and a brunette with brown highlights and sky blue eyes named Raiza who apart from being The manager of the palace, was and still is the caretaker of prince Ramses the heir to the throne, she says with sweetness when seeing the resemblance between that little girl and her little prince:

-- What are you doing wandering the world and sleeping here little girl? --he asks worriedly, making her wake up and at the moment Aziza raises her head and still shivering from the cold, she looks at her scared and says with tears in her eyes:

- Lady for the love of Rá, don't throw me out too, because I have nowhere to go and I am an orphan, my parents abandoned me and as you can see I was wandering the world and thanks to Rá I got here, I need a job from the whatever, I don't mind getting my hands dirty

pleads the girl crying and in that--was Aziza's answer and Raiza instantly remembered that her assistant and apprentice left and she was thinking of giving the job to another maid, but when she looked at the girl with critical and transparent eyes when she finished studying her, she decided to take her as her assistant and apprentice, she looked at her and said:

--Very good little one, you seem sincere to me, although if you don't want to tell me the reason why your parents abandoned you, you will have your reasons, it is not my business, I want to know if you want any payment for your services-she asks what Aziza responds to

-Madam, I apologize if I offended you, it was without wanting to and for now I don't want any pay, I want the pay when I finish my work only if it is well done and deserves to be paid-she adds and Raiza was glad to hear such a response Sincere and with so much logic, she puts her in the palace with her, over time Zizi got used to it and quickly learned everything she entrusted to him and she decided to leave the castle and its care and work in the hands of the little girl so that she could take care of it. From cleaning everything, even the royal hall and the throne, she was hardworking, smart, intelligent, educated and very obedient in everything, every morning she woke up before everyone there did and when she finished cleaning she prepared things starting with the breakfast for their royal majesties King Seti, Queen Kikio and her son the prince and heir to the throne of Egypt, Prince Ramses and left them on the table just as they liked in the royal hall for them to come down for breakfast and she was going to finish do her other jobs preparing the bath of the kings and the prince and while they bathed Aziza cleaned and tidied up their rooms and bedrooms preparing their royal clothes and attire, to later go out and continue in the other parts of the palace, leaving it so clean that even Venus with all her beauty would envy him, in the kitchen she was so good at making sweets, cakes, cakes and exquisite foods that even the royal family took a liking to her, like not knowing those things if she herself was a princess?she was so smart and obedient, no one said anything about her and all the people there and other people who came to eat or visit, they also liked her, whenever she finished, she took an hour break staying to read a book or doing Anything else, he never got into discussions that did not concern him and sometimes to avoid fights and arguments between people, he gave his opinion subtly, letting people see that speaking they could understand each other, over time Prince Ramses fell in love with her and the kings also came to love her like a daughter.