Chapter-2-The queen an ally?

They became so fond of her when they saw her work, her way of doing it and with what dedication and love she did it, that Queen Kikio sent for her to be taken to her presence, to see her and discover for herself if what has been said is true , she was brought by a slave to the royal hall and later she left Aziza with the queen, who with her head lowered, knelt in front of her and said with sweetness, sincerity and without malice or falsehood:

-I heard that you sent me to call your majesty, here I am, say what you want and I will comply

The girl responds, waiting for the order and the queen upon hearing that from her mouth and seeing that she does not dare to raise her eyes from the ground, she takes more affection for her and realizes that she is so respectful and full of humility, that she decided to take her under her wings, after a few seconds it says:

-Yes Aziza, I want you to know that from this moment you are in my charge and you will always be close to me in everything, I heard good things about you and I decided to see with my eyes if it is true - says the queen to what the girl she is so happy, but without daring to express her feelings, even with her eyes down she says with tears running down her cheeks:

-From my whole heart I thank you a thousand majesty and I swear by my honor and in the name of the gods that I will never fail you, or do anything that you feel disappointed in me, thank you-after finishing saying that she smiles giving thanks to the gods.

From that moment on, she became the queen's lady-in-waiting and did everything she did, she began to study the affairs and affairs of the court with the best teachers and sages together with the prince and the queen herself, because the The queen realized that the little girl was of blue blood and from some distant society or kingdom, but still Aziza with her sincerity and affection conquered her like the prince and the king, what came out of the girl's hands was more beautiful and Brilliant than any jewel and flower, the royal family loved her like another daughter and Ramses already loved her and desired her heart and make her his consort, but she was still missing until then.

The kings had their son Prince Ramses

He was so handsome that he was even blessed by Isis the goddess of beauty and Rá the god of the sun and Egypt, but the kings did not know that the prince and heir to the throne fell in love with Aziza, because he kept it for fear of that they would send her away and stop seeing her, when he turned fourteen the prince Ramses went with the king to war because apart from being the prince and heir to the throne, the prince was also the commander and general of the troops of Egypt, the Queen and Aziza felt very sad and with a heavy heart to see them leave, a week passed and when they returned home they were both injured, although the most seriously injured was the prince, upon hearing that the queen and Aziza almost fainted from the fright and pain at the thought of what could happen, while the pharaoh rested in his rooms, the queen and Aziza watched over and cared for the prince, in the end the queen could no longer cope with fatigue, so Aziza gently and sweetly tells him:

--Majesty, why won't you rest? I swear and I promise that I will stay to take care of your highness more than my life, I swore and promised in the name of the gods that I will take care of your family and you, then now let me take care of your son, while you and the king Will you go to rest, yes? - He offers her and asks affectionately what when listening to the love and passion that the little girl put in her words and way of behaving and taking care of her and her family, she realized that she loves little Too much to her son and inside she was happy, because she never knew someone who would stay by her side and that of her family without any other desire but to care and not for any interest, the queen kissed him on the forehead prince and then the little one and before leaving he says smiling:

--Take care of him Zizi, we leave in your hands our most precious complexion apart from the palace for me and the king, you have in your hands the future of Egypt and his heart, never forget it - and he left the room leaving the little girl confused and account what he was referring to, he turned red and feels his heart beat, but then he gets scared and says in his mind (and if they realized that I love the prince?holy God Rá help me please, I beg you, take my life and soul If you want, but save my love, he must live and rule the kingdom, marry and have a family, I have nothing to give him and because I love him, I only wish his happiness and well-being, even if he does not get to be by my side) he says she in her mind crying in the room as she approaches the bed and caresses the forehead and the face of her prince and impossible love while she dips a handkerchief in the water and cleans her face, after having fallen asleep she kisses him on the lips and when he sees that he moves he walks away red, with his heart beating and scared, although very happy and lies on the other sofa falling asleep without realizing that all this was seen by the gods from above and they decide to save the prince without taking Aziza's life and soul as payment, Haruka and the queen see what happens in the prince's quarters through the mirror of Haruka's room who receives a vision through her necklace that the gods have accepted and blessed her love and union and transmits it to the queen, at first they were both surprised, but seeing that they decided to save that and see how it evolves and where it will arrive and until then it will tell Pharaoh.

From that moment, the little girl was in charge of caring for and changing the prince's bandages, the care, caresses, dedication and love that she used to use filled Ramses's heart with so much love and affection that she never felt for anyone, she earned the heart of the prince and in a week the prince was cured thanks to the gods who saw the pure soul and heart of Aziza.

One day in the morning, the prince woke up and got up from the bed, Aziza who was there reading a book while crocheting a mille that the queen commanded to do, she felt movements from the prince's bed, she quickly got out of her things and she looked at the prince getting off the bed, she knelt down and with her head lowered she approached and said:

--Your Highness, tell me is it okay?do not get out of bed, tell me what you want and I will get it for you-she asks worried and Ramses feels

sad and sick when he sees that, he loves his mother's little companion, what is the use of being a prince and future pharaoh, if what he wishes he can never have, of all the maidens in the world he she fell in love with that little angel with eyes like cherry, but she lowers her gaze when she is near him and her parents, how she hates being a prince if her angel does not give her her heart, she says:

--Aziza, tell me why you lower your eyes when you speak to me? --asks the prince, curious to what she says when she hears that, confused and puzzled:

--Your Highness, you are the complete prince of Egypt and heir to the throne and soon you will be the future pharaoh, I am just a servant, a slave who owes obedience, humility and servitude to you and your parents, I must obey in everything that you and your parents send me to do it, I swore it by my honor and life in the name of the gods to the kings and I do not wish to disappoint them, although inside me it tears and destroys me by being in love with his heir and never being able to confess to him my feelings because you my prince must marry and together with your queen have children and reign as your parents did and still do, I will always be your faithful slave and you will have my life and heart in your hands, although you can never love me and your parents and the court will never allow it--she says crying still looking at the ground, but was surprised and perplexed when she felt her prince's hands on her face and his lips kissing hers with so much passion, lust, affection, love, pain and so many feelings that both. Their hearts felt happy and complete that they never wanted to separate, but they did it for lack of air, Aziza lowering her head quickly says red and still with tears running down her cheeks:

--Why did your majesty?that is forbidden--she asks and answers crying in pain, to which the prince answers

-Because I love you Zizi, I fell in love with you from the day you came to work at the castle, I love you and always will, I don't care what my parents will say, or who will oppose you, you are my and if necessary I will fight to having you, you have no idea how much effort I had to make not to jump over you and kiss you when I saw you with my mother passing by or when she sent you to my father's library or private chamber to ask for something, I know that you love me too little , I noticed it when you responded to my kiss and you confessed it yourself--says the prince raising the face of the little girl who was scared to see her love cry and hear her say that, wipe the tears from her precious blacks like the night without stars and says sadly:

--But my prince, neither your parents, neither the court will never allow their future pharaoh to be with someone like me, they will think that I am looking for you out of interest, also I swore to the gods that if they saved you, I would give them my life and soul in order to see you alive and happy with some maiden and family ruling together-she adds crying and the prince exclaims crying

--But why did you do it that my little angel?, you must Inderstand that I don't want to live if I don't have you, I love you Aziza, what do I have to do to make you believe me?--asks and answer Ramses crying to what she denies saying

--My sweet prince, my love, my pharaoh, you must not do anything, but that is the law, you have to marry a maiden, have children and rule together, but listen to one thing, your highness, you were, are and will always be my prince , king, pharaoh and first, only and eternal love and owner of all that I am and have until my death and after my death, I love you, my life, soul and heart belong to you and they will do it eternally and beyond. He gives a soft, sweet and loving kiss and when separated from his love, he leaves the room leaving Ramses sadder and hating his status as a prince and leaving some kings and a Haruka surprised and largely happy and pleased. They talked and decided to help the boys to be together, because the queen managed to convince her king to accept little Aziza as his daughter-in-law since she was the one who cared and watched over the prince, the king accepted and now they were planning how to reunite those children as they realize that only together will they be happy.