
On top of the mountain, there was an opening with people surrounding it. Here was the place where a giant monument with a cat face has erected. Twenty or so teenagers were in line waiting to be tested. Every year, people older than 18 years old and younger than 19 years old would be tested by the Feline God to discover their elements.

The ideal age to awaken the element was 18, but the time of the test would not always match with people's age, thus the age range.

I was in line as well. I was one of the youngest, at the age of 18, but next year this time, I would be older than 18 thus, I would be tested anyway. Last week after my deeds with his beloved sisters I acquired Sun-Space Element, but it wasn't my natural elements. I could still awaken another one but also awaken one matching with my sisters.

After finishing with my sisters he learned their story. Our mother was a runaway priestess of the sect. Before her escape, she gave birth to two daughters from an envoy of the Feline God carrying his highness's seeds.

Feline God was a higher entity could not pass through the laws of this world, thus is not able to breed by himself. His envoys would breed with the priestess to spread his seeds. Even though sexual relation is carried by envoys, the babies born from these relations are true to blood Feline God's spawns.

After the birth of two daughters, having enough, his mother ran away from the mountain and went to a city. There she has been chased by his highness's envoys. In her escape, she met with a young man and be together. From that night, I came to life. Because no one knew who the man was, they didn't know who my father was. And from my Status screen, I can deduct that, my father was also not a normal human.

After the endless chase, my mother got weak because of her pregnancy and got caught, but the punishment was her life. His Highness's bride cannot be together with any other man. Luckily, envoys though I would die with my mother because of the short span of the pregnancy, and let me be. And I climbed out of my mother.

My sisters, Princesses of Feline God, have been prisoned because of their mother's sins. And since there was no priestess to be born since, no envoy came to the world to oversee the sect, thus didn't notice my existence. I was scared to stand in front of Feline God's monument to awaken my first element, but my sisters said it wouldn't let Feline God know too much about me, so I am relieved at the moment.

After leaving my sister's house Abbot spoke with me about my situation. I could remember the day I was born, but he still explained how I climbed out my mother's womb and I listened patiently. He had no bad intention, and he had never intended to bring trouble to my mother because of her escape, but envoys arrived as soon as she ran away, thus there was nothing he could do.

I was in the middle of the last row because of my age, and people started to walk towards the monument. There were few tried to awaken their elements, most succeded, but there were a few non-starters could not awaken. And if they are over 18 years of age, they would not be given another chance in life.

After an hour it was finally my turn. I was very excited as many lights were shining and illuminating the opening. Fire and Lightning elements were the most popular low tier elements, and %99 of the people would 8awaken low tier elements in their first try. My sister, for example, both awakened High Tier Elements for their first elements.

The Low Tier Elements were Fire, Water, Wind, Earth.

Medium Tier Elements were Lightning, Wood, Metal, Ice.

High Tier Elements were Sun, Moon, Space, Time.

There were higher and some other elements that couldn't be placed in these tiers but I wasn't aware of any of them.

Most of the newly awakened would acquire a Low Tier Element. Only %1 could awaken higher tier elements. There was also a chance to awaken double element, combination elements, and such. For example, the elements I acquired from my sisters were the dual element of Sun and Space. I could use them separately or together. But the real combination of two would rarely happen.

I walked up to the monument and looked closer. The cat's face was fiercer at close range. Feline God was of course not a cat, but the monuments on the worlds had tiers depending on the world's strength. The world I reincarnated was a weak one, almost forgotten in some corner of the endless universe.

Cat was the first level. Lynx was the second level, the leopard was the third level, the puma was the fourth level, the cougar was the fifth level, the lion was the sixth level, and the tiger was the seventh level.

The envoys and the seeds of His Highness would also differ depending on the level. That is why my sisters had regular cat tail and cat ears. They also mentioned other feline abilities, but I had not seen it yet.

There was a human hand on the monument stretched out. Disciples needed to kiss it to awaken their elements. I had no problem with the idea, after all, he was my stepfather. But as soon as bow my head down to kiss the hand, some energy awakened from my body and erected my body.

[Foreign energy discovered.

It penetrates your Mana Pool.

Forceful awaken is successful.

New elements had ben awaken.]

I looked at the statue I was about to bow down, and there were a few cracks started to form on the head. It wasn't big but the sounds of the cracking were loud in the silent opening.
