Double Elements!


[New Element Awaken

Double Elements with %90 compatibility have awakened.

Mirror-Barrier elements and their combination are active. Please test further to learn the profundity of it.]

'Double elements with the combination?' I dumbfounded with the revelation. 'It must be the strange energy that penetrated my Mana Pool helped me to awaken it, still, they are not as rare as Sun or Space Elements. But their combination is way stronger than either of the elements.

As I was in a reverie, the people watching was in shock. Although not the greatest genius, I was a well-known figure in the sect since I was born. My obstinate will and deed followed later was proof for my future powers in people's eyes. Now that I wasn't able to lit an element, people were surprised.

"Desmond-" One of the girls I 'helped' stuttered "-he failed to awaken?"

"I can't believe it. He is such a miracle."

"How can you doubt our God?" Former fatty Carol jumped with distaste. "Haven't you heard the crack on the Monument?"

"Yes, I heard it as well. Stone Monument is not worthy of awakening our God!"

'Not a bad idea.' After I heard what my minio- darlings are discussing, I think of something.

'Let's test my new elements.'

Barrier Element is the most defensive element there is. Even the Supreme elements are not as strong as it is in this aspect. Some high-level barrier techniques can defend against Time Spells or Space Cuts, not talking about Fire and Lightning.

Mirror Element is a peculiar one. It can be strong or weak depending on the imagination and wits of the caster. If the caster wants to use it to look at his reflection, it is useless, but if the caster wants to reflect an attack, it can be done as well. And their combination, I don't have an idea of how spectacular element it would be.

Combinations are not set on stone. Each person is different, therefore each person's use of the element is different as well. These differences are minute in low tier elements, and higher more complex the element. But combinations, they are vastly different depending on mindset, experience, and too many more factors. Such as genes.

[Combination Element effect can be discovered for 20.000 SP and can be altered for 100.000]

'Thank you, sweetheart, I don't need it for the time being.'

I rose from the ground and opened my arms as if they are my wings. The wind started to flutter around me and I looked at the sky.

"I, Desmond, am way above you, Feline God! You dare to take my bow and respect?" As soon as I finished that the stone monument cracked once more.

"I thought so!" I said and started to 'fly' in the sky towards my hut."

"So handsome."

"Our God is greater than Feline God! Desmond is the only God I will kneel!"

"Hey, I will kneel tonight and will take my dosage!" Former fatty Carol said.

"Which elements did that bastard used? I couldn't tell?" Abbot looked at the opening sweating. Feline God's monument cracked. It was a great blasphemy.

"It should be a Wind element."

"Who do you think you are talking to, idiot?" Abbot was angry. "Would I needed to ask if it was the Wind Element?"

"The envoys will be mad when they come back. I hope until that time, I can send that bastard away. Or it will be a waste of talent.


"Pew, that was taxing. But my imagination is great. Using a transparent barrier to lift myself from the ground, and using a mirror element to reflect the winds blowing. I must be a genius."

"Now what about the combination? The system is not going to help me it seems."

I sat cross-legged as if I am in a cultivation novel and started to guide my soul to my Mana Pool. The strange energy that penetrated earlier helped me to find the way because it also started from my soul pool. I followed the same path and reached my mana pool in less than a few minutes.

It was a giant feat. Normally cultivators would spend months finding a path to their Mana Pools. There are hundreds of paths to reach one's Mana Pool, but only a few of them are the 'correct'. And among all those 'correct' paths there is only one perfect. But because of the strange energy, I found it in a few minutes.

To find a single path to Mana Pool I would spend at least a month. To test them all and find the all correct ones and to find the perfect one I would spend years if it is not decades, but it got cut short for a few minutes. If it is not a cheat, what it is?

"What was that strange energy? It disdained the thought of me bowing to Feline God, so it must be some entity higher. Is it because that Bastard God gifted me the System. I am kinda his champion after all."

I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. There was nothing I could do to help it anyway.

In my Mana Pool, 5 Tokens were sitting quietly. Four I could identify, but one of them was murky, hiding behind a thick mist.

Sun and Space tokens were separate from the other three, as they were not my elements but acquired through my sisters.

On the other side, Mirror Token and Barrier Token were standing together like attracted by a magnet. And below them, the hidden token was standing proudly. I tried to feel the energy it was emitting, but it was murky. Harder I pushed my soul into it, the stranger it got.

"Strange, how I can identify it?" I was confused as this was the only way to identify the token. But my soul was lost every time I penetrated into it. It is as if-

-Wait for a second, I know what it is.