To the Wolves!

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing fine! As you may have noticed, I had to make a few changes, because of the regulations of the site has been breached without notice, thankfully they kindly warned me and not deleted my novel, but yeah name of the Novel and the Cover changed.

Also please review the novel and comment on chapters!

Have fun!


My next target was a wolf den. Yesterday my harvest was bountiful. I leveled up twice and had lots of snake carcasses. The dead bodies exchanged in the village. Chief was ecstatic to see that many snakes remain. In the incoming Troll war, the village was in need urgent source of poison, and I drown the market with my harvest.

I bought a dagger, a set of a good quality bow, and about 100 arrows and a piece of full body armor can protect me against attacks I may receive like I had yesterday. I was overconfident yesterday and trusted my Barrier Element too much. But when I was casting my Combo Element, I wasn't fast enough to switch. In the end, I got hurt. If the beast was stronger, it could kill me. To avoid those, girls made me promise to wear armor.

When I thought about the teary faces of the girls, I got sorrowful. I tried to hide my injuries, but after getting into bed, my sisters wanted to have a little action. When they climbed on me, I involuntarily winced. They take off my clothes and saw the bruises on my chest, after that they cried a lot.

[Gray Wolf Lv 7 killed, %1 exp]

There were some beasts on the way to their den. I already started to gain experience and was hopeful to level up. Because the strongest wolf in the den was Level 9. "There are hundreds of wolf inside the den, and I can kill enough to breakthrough up to level 9."

Even though a level 9 wolf scared me a little, I am confident to run away after my breakthrough yesterday.

After walking and killing more beast for ten minutes, I arrived at an opening, I saw mini caves all around the plateau. 'I presume each wolf family lives in a cave.'

The greatest feature of my Combo Element is, it is not an illusion based. It breaks the reality. Reality is more than vision, it also means I can fake sounds, smell, and other senses. When it gets stronger, the broken reality will damage the matter, because I will bend reality in that way. Unfortunately, at the moment I can't break the reality to that extend.

When I was close to a cave, I let the magic happen and created the smell of meat and blood. The smell was aimed at the cave and I was hiding a distance away from the plateau. I was aiming to draw a few wolves at a time to kill them separately but to my surprise, the first wolf got out of the cave howled and many more left their caves.

"Was the smell so strong, so they thought there are too many meats? Or are they sharing everything?" I hid away and destroyed the smell. After waiting and half an hour, the wolves got disappeared.

"Shall I put it on another trial, or choose another way of action?" I silently mused.

I decided to try once again and set a smell around the same cave but a little bit lighter. This time, wolves got out and silently approached the source of the smell, and when they were near, they saw an injured gazel. Gazel was sitting on the ground looking pitiful. Its mournful cries were hard on the ears, but wolves didn't care. Gazel tried to escape by creating specks of dirt to fly, but in the end, he couldn't run away. Wolves surrounded it and pounced on it. When their teeth pierced through its tender meat, the smell of blood and taste of meat-filled their maws.

In the meantime, cuts started to appear on the wolves' bodies, but for some reason, they were just biting the empty air and ignoring the pain caused by a short sword. When wolves were having a feast of their life, their life faded away from them.

"Succesful!" I used the same tactic every time I was done with a cave full of wolves. Every once in a while I rested to fill my mana pool, and continue to kill more. After I killed more than 40, and about to level up, a roar much stronger than Snake Kings came from deep in the valley.

"King had noticed my actions," I smirked. It was expected, so I was ready. First, regular wolves were coming out of their caves. Because there were too many, I couldn't affect them all, thus I cast the skill on pitiful few stronger ones and tricked them to attack their allies. Each wolf hoaxed by me seen another wolf as me and pounced on them. When the wolf got killed, I changed the target. I couldn't get exp through this, but it was better than getting surrounded.

After a while, another Roar came, and a bigger wolf left the cave furthest to my location. The gray wolf had a tint of red on its fur. Its eyes were bloodshot, looking at me directly. Because of the distance, I couldn't use my skills on it. It started to dash, and it was in front of me in less than a few seconds.

When it was a few meters away from me, it swang its claw, and a blood-red wind flew towards me. I changed to the Mirror Element and reflect the attack. Mirror almost shattered but reflected the attack back. I choose to reflect the attack towards other wolves and got exp for the kills.

Because I changed the element, the illusion has broken and all the wolves aimed at me once again. I changed it back to the Broken Reality and cast the skill on Wolf King. Level 9 wolf fought back, but still saw multiple enemies around it, and started to send many blood-red winds. All the wolves attacking me started to die by my short sword or the blood-red winds.

After clearing the obstacles, I started to attack the Wolf King who still killing the fake enemies. But after a few cuts, the Wolf King reacted, unlike other wolves. It sat on the ground, closed its eyes, and waited.