Two Wolf Kings?

Hello gals and guys! I hope you are all fine. As I mentioned before, I need some exposure at the moment, and I need reviews and Power Stones please help me with my novel, and let's enjoy it together.


"Did it surrendered its fate?" I cease my attacks when I see how the wolf lay down with its eyes closed. Its actions made me vary, and I didn't dare to attack even though it was the best time to gravely injure it.

Another roar came from the wolf in front of me. I could place a barrier to prevent its voice from getting out, but I didn't dare to cancel the illusion I have set. But it was a big mistake. Another roar, mightier than one in front of me, came from the cave that the Wolf King had left.

An enormous wolf with gray and red fur, bloodshot eyes, and giant fangs left the same cave. It was at least twice the size of the wolf in front of me and it brought some questions to my mind. "If the wolf in front of me is the wolf king, what the hell is that giant wolf?"

Chief mustn't have known about this wolf. I am screwed.

I could feel a corporeal killing intent directed at me with full nudity. The energy the giant wolf applied to my body was enough to suffocate me. Level 10 Beast!

I should run away. Although I haven't reached the level to stand against Troll King, I should treasure my life first.

[New Quest: Kill the Wolf King and save the damsel in distress

Description: There is a lady trapped in the den of the wolf king waiting to be saved. As a young hero, it is your honor to save the damsel.

Rewards: %100 exp, Random element]

You are doing on purpose, right! You are giving a reward that I can't deny so, I don't have a choice but accept the damn quest!

I accepted to quest and attacked the eyes of the fake wolf king still sitting in front of me with a dagger and short sword to each eye. At this point, it is decided that I will fight with the wolf king, thus killing the Level 9 Wolf in front of me as soon as possible is the best course of action.

Wolf king at far away howled as it dashed to me with like the wind but, it was too late. Blood erupted like a geyser from the eyes of the wolf. I removed the short sword and stabbed it once again before I sent back by a blood-colored wind three times bigger than what I saw before.

Level 10 is really different.

I flipped my body in the air and landed on the ground graciously. My Combo Element will only have little effect on Wolf King. I should use the barrier and the mirror elements to at least fight back.

Wolf King sent another Blood Wind, and I defended with my Mirror element. The attack hit the mirror and smashed it almost immediately. As soon as I heard the sound of breaking the mirror, I deactivated the mirror element and switched it to the Barrier element. But switching while defending deviated my mana, and my blood agitated. I coughed a mouthful of blood and opened distance with my opponent.

But the Wolf King wasn't intending to let it down. I just killed its general, and many of its descendants. It dashed to me with breakneck speed and giant maw, like a gate to the hell, bitten toward my neck. I created a barrier on the ground and lifted my self. Jumped over to Wolf King I landed behind it and slashed my short sword to its hind leg.

Wailing painfully, the Wolf King turned with record speed, but I already jumped once again and slashed its other leg. Before it could return, I created a barrier under its hind legs and lifted its rear body to the sky. Because of its injured hind legs, he couldn't defend against my barrier, and I moved under him. I slashed with my dagger and short sword to its vulnerable stomach.

The Wolf King was smart and it rolled over, but I was still able to slash its stomach, albeit lightly. While it was rolling, I dashed to its neck and slashed my short sword with a barrier surrounding it. Wolf King didn't just watch but counter-attacked with its giant fangs, but it was what I was hoping for. Barrier Element defended its close distance attack and made it dizzier because of the hard clash on its head. I took the chance and stabbed my dagger to its ear, and left it there.

Wolf King howled miserably and sprung from the ground. Its stomach, hind legs, and one of its ears were bleeding. The most grievous one was the ear. Its bloodshot eyes were firing flames. It sent another Blood Wind, but I jumped over it through a barrier on the ground. When I was above the Wolf King, it smirked and opened its giant maw to devour me whole. But how could a smart of wolf beat smart of mine?

I created another barrier between us to use it as a step. I jumped once again and landed on its side with great momentum. When I was at its side, I landed a Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick to the dagger I stabbed to its ear. The dagger carried the momentum I had and pushed deep inside the Wolf King's brain.

The Wolf King collapsed to the ground, but it was still breathing. I dashed with my short sword, and stabbed it to its eyes, over and over again. After stabbing 30 odds times, it died.

I sat on the ground, panting heavily. It took me more than 10 minutes to catch my breath, but thankfully I haven't gotten injured. Thanks to Barrier Element and the armor I purchased the day before. I sprung up from the ground and started to collect my loot. Because the wolves were much bigger than snakes, I only took the valuable stuff. Like furs, eyes, fangs, and cores. As much as I wanted to carry the Wolf King, it was impossible. After collecting my loot, I turned my sight to the cave and started to walk towards it. It is time to save the damsel.