Saving the Damsel

I asked for 15 reviews and got only 1 in two days, I think it was too much to ask. Thank you very much helping me with my novel. Have fun!


I walked into the cave cautiously, and the Barrier Element was ready to be deployed in the first sign of trouble. I already killed the strongest wolf in this den, but still, I can't take any chances when I am already tired after fighting two strong opponents.

The cave was serene and cool. My hair stood on end as I walked inside as silent as I could. One of the major weak sides of my Combo Element is, I can't use it if I don't know where the enemy is. I, of course, can create an area that is influenced by my Combo Element, but it would be useless anyone out of that sphere.

Also, I usually create an illusion depending on the opponent. If the enemy has a strong sense of smell, I put most of the mana to break that reality, like how I did with the wolves. But when I was fighting with snakes, I was also adding vibrations and heat signatures for each copy I had created to deceive them. That is why without knowing who my enemy is, creating illusions is only mana consuming.

It is sensible to think of a wolf or another canid to live in the cave, but this world is a magical one, and there might derivations I am not aware of. There might even be bats, living symbiosis with the wolves. Most of the bats are identifying objects through sound waves, and it is a sense I never experienced before. There were some reference points when I was cracking the illusion Feline God had placed, but I am not proficient enough to trick bats through it.

That was also why the 9 Level Wolf understood it was in illusion. As a human, I too have a nose and ears, but it is not as evolved as canid species. When I was forming illusions, I wasn't creating them expertly because I had a lack of information on how their sensory organs are working. These are some of the weak sides of my Combo Element. Yes, it is ridiculously strong, but without my knowledge and imagination, it is useless.

After passing the specious, but narrow for Wolf King tunnels, I arrived at an opening. The opening was as big as a house. There were some plants I couldn't identify on one side. And on the other side, there were two litters. On top of one of them was a girl sleeping soundly. The girl had wolf ears and a wolf tail. But unlike my sisters, she had fur on her naked body. " A furry?"

I approached the girl, and she jerked by my footsteps echoed in the silent cave.

"Who are you, mister?" She asked.

"I am Desmond," I said with the best smile I could muster. "Are you, um, one of the wolves?" I couldn't help but ask. The quest asked me to save the girl, but if she is one of the wolves, I would be in trouble. I just killed all her family.

"No, no, I am not one of them." The girl exclaimed excitedly. "I was kidnapped by Wolf King for its son. Because I am a descendant of Canid God, I have Wolf Blood in my body, and Wolf King wanted to use me as a breeding slave to create a stronger lineage." The wolf girl said while crying. "Please save me, mister!"

Such a magical world.

[Name: Ylva

Age: 18


Special Ability: Plasma Claws

A descendant of Canid God with rare, Plasma Claws.]

"It is okay now. I killed all the wolves," I said with an assuring smile. "I can take you with me if you want, but I can't take you home for the time being."

"It is okay, as long as I am out of here, mister. My name is Ylva, by the way. What is mister's name?" She asked cutely.

I approached her and broke the chains she was bounded with. "My name is Desmond. You don't have to call me, mister. Our age is the same. I am also 18 years old."

"How do you know my age?" She said, but she was more happy than frightened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but because of my looks, I always outcasted. And people can't see through my fur. That is why when you guessed my age, I was excited to meet a person who can see beyond these." She said while holding her beautiful grey fur.

"It is okay. I can guess your age because you are gorgeous. I heard 18 years old girls are most beautiful." I bullshited through my teeth.

"Thank you, Desmond. You are also pretty handsome." She said, blushing. She tried to walk, but her numbed muscles almost made her fall to the ground. I reached her and placed her on my back. After looking inside the cave, piggybacking her, I left the cave.

There were some cores at some corner of the cave, I intended to inspect later. All I wanted at the moment was to leave the cave and save the furry girl, so I could earn my reward. Reward from the system, not the reward from the furry!

[Quest Completed: Kill the Wolf King and save the damsel in distress

Description: There is a lady trapped in the den of the wolf king waiting to be saved. As a young hero, it is your honor to save the damsel.

Rewards: %100 exp, Random element

Would you like to draw the Random Element?]



[New element acquired

Shadow Element Awakened

Innate Skill: Shadow Blade

%100 Exp added

Level Up

New Level: 9]

Finally, an element I can use in combat. And Innate Skill is already useful. If I had this skill before I came to the den, I could kill Wolf King without taking a hit.

[Shadow Blade: Create a blade through a shadow in a 2-meters sphere around the user.

Note: Enemies can feel their shadows are played with if you use their shadows.]