Furry Attack!

"Our brother is perfect, of course." I heard my sisters' voice when I was about to enter the room, so I decided to listen for a while.

"Yes, our brother is strong, funny, mature, protective, and of course, great at the bed," Desideria said.

"Ah, you already did it?" Ylva said, blushing.

"Yeah, multiple times," Demetra said, smirking. "What, jealous?"

"No, I just- because he is young, I thought he would be a virgin like me." Ylva neck, ears, and even her chest started to shade in crimson from embarrassment.

"What!? You are a virgin?" asked both my sisters simultaneously.

"I never had- I never had a boyfriend, so- so I never had-" Ylva was about to pass out. I knocked on the door and entered.

When I entered, Ylva was about to die with a single look of mine.

"Brother, you have to task to do tonight," Desideria said shamelessly, as she pointed Ylva.

"Yes, brother. You have to show the correct path to Ylva and make her our sister." Demetra chimed in.

"What do you mea-" Ylva was confused at first, but when she thought what my sisters meant, she passed out for good.

"Finally awake?" I called from the other side.

Ylva gulped, stepping forward into the light. I stood beside the kitchen's central island as I stirred honey into a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry, sir," she said meekly.

"Don't apologize. Take a seat in the dining room and I'll be along shortly."

She nodded and hurried into the next room.

I soon entered the dining room, gracefully placing my mug up on a platter in one hand, and a platter with its own respective glass on the other. I set it all down onto the table and took a seat across from Ylva. She examined what she assumed was to be her breakfast as I pushed it towards her. Beside the glass of water lay two pieces of toasted white bread and a heap of iceberg lettuce. There was also a small medicine bottle stashed between the food.

She reached for the medicine bottle. It felt cold to the touch and half-empty as she held it in her palm.

"Potion," I explained. "My sisters had to dig around deep into their bags to find it. Hopefully, it hasn't yet expired."

"Sir?" She asked after falling quiet for some time.

I looked up from My dish of toast and fried egg and nodded for her to continue. "Yes?"

"What are my duties?"

"You have no duties, and no sirs either. I already told you my name, and I am accompanying you. If you want to leave after we arrive in the city, you can."

Ylva hesitated. She looked like she wanted to say something, but in the end, she chose not to and dig into her food. She was hungry.

"My sisters cleaned you while you were sleeping. You were out cold." I said, pausing to take a sip of coffee."

"Thank you for everything you have done for me" Ylva trailed off, still not believing she was saved.

"Where are you from, Ylva?" I asked.

"I have no home, not anymore." She said tears were forming in the deep mist of her eyes.

"You have one now, so eat and cheer up," I said. I felt sorry for the girl. At such a young age she lost her family. There must be tragedy involved for her to end up with the wolves.

After eating our dinner, I approached the bed and sat on it. I closed my eyes and waited. Not long after hesitant footsteps arrived and with it a girly scent.

"Sir- Desmond, I want to be yours!" Ylva said resolutely.

"Are you sure about it?" I asked.

"Yes!" she answered. I pulled her to bed and sat her beside me. As I said this, I reached my pants, removing my manhood from confinement. "As long as you feel like it, you will be mine, and I will be yours."

She sat up, crawling over until she was between my legs. Taking it in both her hands she asked, "How should I do it?"

"Take it in your mouth, and move your hand top to down, down to top." I encouraged.

She hesitated a moment longer, unsure of how to proceed. Making up her mind, she leaned forward, licking at it with the tip of her tongue, just like licking a popsicle. I moaned softly, reaching down to pet her ears.

"Oh, good girl." She smiled, continuing to lick at my cock. When my moans began to recede, she began to bite it very gently, running her sharp little teeth over its head. I shook a little and moaned louder, whispering praise for her.

"Gentle, sweetheart," I urged.

Her ears fell back. "I'm sorry, Desmond."

She returned to her task, running her hands over my shaft absentmindedly. When this extracted a response from my cock, she repeated the motion again, stroking the length of my shaft. Bending over once more, she took its head into her mouth and began to suck. I groaned, long and low. The sound made her wet inside, and she sucked fervently.

In a moment my body became rigid and I moaned something. I exploded into her throat with a moan, white shooting onto her face and chest. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Did you cum, Desmond?" she asked, understanding.

"Yes," I sighed, chest heaving. Reaching out for her, I drew her to my side once more, where she curled against me. Lifting myself with one hand I showed her. "This is my cock. It is yours to play with, little one."

She smiled. "Thank you, Desmond." Again curious, she studied the white substance on one of her hands.

"Taste it," I proposed. She stuck her tongue into it, finding it amazingly satisfying.

"Mmmm!" she exclaimed, setting about to lick it all off. When she was finished, she licked it clean, and I zipped my pants. When she returned to me, I rolled her over onto her back and fingered her until she came for him, soaking my bedsheets. I will take the rewards after tomorrow.