Are the girls leaving?

While I was walking the streets of the City, I come upon a few shops selling jewels and women wear. Thinking of my girls, I decided to buy them a few things. Especially Yvla, after forced out of the City, she had close to nothing to wear.

Walking in a shop, I looked at the clothes I thought would look good on my girls. I started my biggest shopping spree in my two lives and spent more than 3.000 golds, close to 30 Uncommon beast cores. It was a big some to expense, but considering the income, I will earn in the coming weeks, it is just a drop in the water.

My plans in Alchemy Association went exactly as I planned. I had a vast knowledge of alchemy and alchemist thanks to the memories I acquired. Alchemists, from a young age, learn how to lit up a secret fire. Secret fire is the core of alchemy, and without it, no concoction can be cooked.

Of course, even with the memories, I couldn't lit Green Alchemy Fire. It was an illusion and regular yellow tier alchemy fire interlaced. Even with the knowledge and experience of said fire, without corresponding cultivation level, I cannot lit a higher tier fire. But, just that was enough to trick my way inside. And after coming back with the "Miracle Potion," no soul in the capital will have the guts to question me.

After leaving with jewelry and tons of clothes, I returned home.

"Welcome home, darling." all three of them said.

"It is good to come back to you, my darlings," I said with a genuine smile. Since I arrived in the City, I was planning my every step and tricking people left and right. Here was the only place I could act natural and be myself. "I got you some gifts!" I said and sat on the couch in the living room.

"What did you buy?" Desideria jumped on my left side.

"What did you get for us, Desmond?" Yvla was on my right.

"Brother wants a special night, it seems." Petite Demetra said as she settled on my lap.

"You naughty imp," I said and jokingly flicked her nose. "Before that, I want to speak to you about something," I said, getting serious. I turned to Yvla and asked, "Yvla, do you know Ginhon Jade?"

"Ah, yes, Desmond, I know." She surprised when she heard the name and looked at me questioningly. Seeing me not intending to explain, she carried on, "He was a friend of my father, and visited our home many times. He would always bring me gifts, but sadly after my father is gone, he never came again." Her eyes started to get wet once again.

I helped her to wipe her tears, and said, "I met him today when I was looking at a school for you to attend, and he told me a similar story. He said after your father's demise, he thought your uncles would take good care of you, and when he realized how they mistreat you, you were already gone." I summarized it for her.

"I personally believed in him. And I think he stood away from you, to not influence you because you sat on a massive inheritance." I added, "He wants me to take three of you to his school, but you have to live there from now on."

"What? I am not gonna leave, brother!" Demetra was first to protest.

"Same here Lil bro, I will stay with you." Desideria also wanted to stay.

"Then I will stay with you too. It is okay if I can't go out. Sisters should go and see the City. I lived there for more than 17 years, so I already have seen enough." Yvla said, smiling sincerely. Such a selfless stupid girl.

"I won't force you. I will always support your decisions, but you should know it is something I want, too. Even though I am strong, there are people way stronger than me, and I cannot help but get worried about you every time I leave the house. If you stay in the school under the Principal's protection, I will be at ease, too."

"Yvla has to go to the school, and I don't want her to be alone in there. Also, you two lazy bums should learn more magics. How long you intend to stay in Level 3?" I finished in one breath.

They thought silently for a while and considered options. To put the comether on, I played my ace in the hole, "I can visit you whenever I want."

"Alright then, Lil Bro." Desideria was the first to accept, and others followed suit.

"Now let me show you the gifts I bought for you. You are all going to school now. You should dress nicely, so it would accentuate my handsomeness." I bragged shamelessly. They all jumped on me and punched me fakely. After wrestling for a few minutes, I settled on the couch and brought everything from storage.

Clothes, bags, jewelry, shoes all placed orderly with their initials. (D for Demetra, DD for Desideria, you smartass)

They jumped on the packages and started to try them in front of me. It was one of the best afternoons of my two lives. I watched my private fashion models as they tried every piece of clothing I bought. To be honest, I had good eyes. Everything I bought fit them perfectly and looked good on them.

After we have done that, they packed up their clothes and I called the Principal with Bonder Stone to tell him the girls are going to school.