The Plan too successful!

"What happened to isolation array?" asked the Leopard Envoy while fighting with a giant gorilla. The gorilla was four meters tall and had collum thick arms swinging around.

"It is still active, but for some reason, they are rushing to us." said one of the Lynx Envoy. They were all fighting with a different beast at these points, but they weren't fairing well. Their power wasn't enough for them to clear out the forest, that is why they brought the concealing device.

"Let's retreat first." Leopard Envoy ordered, but how could they? There were even level 30 beasts among the flock, and they weren't about to go down. They were fighting with everything they had.

"We can't retreat! We have to fight." one of the cat envoys said but not long after his head bitten by a lion beast. He died before he could even cut a beast. For a low-level envoy, this forest was deadly. And he was only here to be an errand boy.

"Damn it! Formation now!" Leopard yelled when he saw his companion getting eaten. Seven envoys created a battle formation, 'Cat Claws.'

They separated into three teams, two having three-people each, and Leopard was alone. Groups of three in front of Leopard and a Cat avatar appeared. The heart of the battle formation was Leopard, and he was controlling the avatar. Two groups of three envoys were the claws, and they were supplying the mana and taking the burnt of attacks.

Leopard Envoy, to my surprise, had Space Heat Beam, the First Combo element of Feline God. The Cat avatar was firing Heat Beam could cut through space, and claws coated by heat. It was very efficient. Beasts started to die right and left, but the longer they killed, the more powerful beasts started to appear.

But I had to give to the envoys of Feline God. Heat beam covered claws were able to cut through enemies' like a hot knife through the butter. Even the strongest enemies close to level 30 couldn't do anything but getting cut. The rhythm between envoys was also spectacular. Without wasting a word, they could understand each other and move seamlessly.

When the death beast count was about to reach the three-digit numbers, the weak beast started to fell back, and only Level 20 and above beast started to fight. From deep in the forest, bigger and stronger beasts started to appear. One with a turtle shield was especially eye-catching.

When the Heat Beam covered claws hit its shell, the turtle didn't even flinch. I did a curiosity check on the turtle and almost fall out of the tree with the status I observed.

[Name: Indestructible Turtle

Age: 600

Level: 35

Special Ability: Nigh-Impossible to Crack

A rare element to those special to the Turtle family. Their shell is nigh impossible to crack.]

I could simply shrug it off if I haven't just seen the abilities of the shell. But Heat Beam covered claws were unable to make a dent on the giant monster's hide.

"Target its eyes and mouth!" Leopard Envoy shouted. He understood the impossibility of damaging the turtle with basic attacks, as well. But at this point, it was already too overwhelming for the small team. They were already retreating while fighting when they were able to cut down anything standing in their way. Now that they need to think and attack to weak spots, and not able to even damage the opponent, they were close to losing the battle.

Not long after, my insights turned out to be true. At some point, they lost to will to fight when they couldn't damage even one opponent. Their order has broken, and their attack got sluggish.

"Damn it! Fight you fools!" Leopard Envoy tried to coordinate, but it was to no avail. First, the formation broke, then they all run in random directions, but hunted one by one. Leopard Envoy was the last, but he too lost it eventually and found himself in the belly of a beast.

I wasn't sad, to be honest. These men were the bunch who killed my mother and going to come after my sister and me, at some point.

"You really did a number on them there, haven't you?" A voice came to my ear from a very close distance. Voice was probably the best I heard in my both lives. It had a soothing effect, and I couldn't resist its calming effects.

"Yeah, it wasn't so bad. I calculated thoroughly and used a borrowed knife to kill those basta-." I was calmly explaining when I sprung away from where I was sitting. I didn't care if the beast could see me or attack me at this point. I still had my enchanted sensory organs just in case, but something approached me this close to talk into my ears. Just the idea gave me creeps. I started to run away from the forest to the entrance of the Secret Realm. I didn't dare to look behind me.

"Why are you running away from me?" The same female voice heard behind me, and I couldn't help but turned around to look. There I saw something unbelievable. A blond woman with silver linings, blue eyes busty body of a mature woman was looking at me calmly. She was floating in mid-air. She had her head tilted to the side as if my actions were confusing for her. If I weren't creeped out by her actions, I would feel ashamed because of running from her. But I didn't dare to stop.

"Please, can you help me?" She said with a weak voice. I didn't think I could hear something godly could say these words. I hesitated for a bit but eventually stopped.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked.