Mysterious Milf

"Please, can you help me?" She said with a weak voice. I didn't think I could hear something godly could say these words. I hesitated for a bit but eventually stopped.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked. I wasn't sure why she was following me, or how could she escape from my senses. But even when she was standing in front of me, I couldn't feel her presence. If I couldn't see her with my two eyes, I would doubt her existence.

I looked at the beautiful women in front of me carefully this time. She had blond hair with silver hair mixed. It looked like an artwork made from gold and silver. Her eyes were gold in color with blue mixed in. Her face was so beautiful that I couldn't find a word to describe it. Her long eyelashes were quivering as she was inspecting me. Her red lips were worth dying for a kiss. She had a mature body with no extra fat. All in all, she was the epitome of perfect.

[Name: ???

Age: ???

Level: ???

Special Ability: ???


I can't see her information even though when I used OCSB? I couldn't believe it. Is it because of the level difference or some other factor I never encountered before?

Even the OCSB failed me for the first time. I couldn't even find out her name.

"I don't know." She said with her euphonic voice. Her voice was angelic and still had that comforting tune to it.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked. She was strong enough to approach me without alert my senses, and here she was toying with me. A lady as strong as she shouldn't toy with me right. Considering I am at her mercy at the moment, she shouldn't play games with me.

"When I woke up, I was in this forest, all alone, and with no memory. I know I am from somewhere else, but I don't know where or how I know. I feel like I had something to say, but I can't remember it." She said, her eyes were foggy. As if she was trying to look behind a mist. Her eyes were unfocused for a long time before she set them on me again.

"What do you want from me?" I asked uncertainly. She didn't seem like she wanted to kill me. If she wanted, she could kill me thousands of times over. I tried to run away at my top speed, still couldn't even open the distance.

"You and those Semifers were the first things I could communicate. I wanted to approach them, but then I see you leading those beasts to Semifers and decided to wait." She explained.

"What is Semifer?" I asked the first question in my mind. It was a new term I heard for the first time.

"Um, half-human and half-beasts." She said as if my question was dumb.

"Why didn't you help them? How did you know I was the better choice to ask help." I asked my second question. Lady was strong enough to save those envoys and seen me lead those beasts. When looking from outside, I was the bad guy in this situation.

"I- felt like they were unworthy of my concern. I felt like strong of two sides would be graced to help me." She listed her reasons.

"What does that even mean?" I was really angry. I may be weak to die this lady in front of me, but I am not weak-willed to be at her mercy.

"Because they are Semifers?" she asked uncertainly. She had the feeling she couldn't put into words.

"Look at here, lady. I don't know who do you think you are, but let me put some sense to your haughty brain." I said angrily. "Those men may have been killed because of me, but it had nothing to do with their half-beast status. I killed them because of greed and concern. But it doesn't mean they can be discriminated!"

"Sorry, please don't yell at me. I didn't know it is a bad thing." She was about to cry when she said those words.

I sighed helplessly and looked at the woman again. "It is okay, don't cry." I comforted her. "Let's start with basic questions. What is your race?" I asked.

"I don't know." She said.

"What would you feel if I were to be a human?" I asked.

"Pleased. I like humans." She said.

"But you are not a human?" I asked again.

"No, I feel like I am something above." She replied.

"I see. So, how about an elf?" I asked once again.

"Nope, they are slaves." She answered.

I sighed once again. In what kind of environment had she grown up? "What about the angel race?" Yep, that is right. There are angels in this universe. When the beasts were about to massacre all races, Angels and Demons put a stop in their war and helped other races. They were rare and powerful from birth.

"I love them. Angels are our protectors." She said happily.

Okay, now it narrows down the options. There are a few races can call angels as 'protectors.' Angels themselves, and those who participated in the massacre war. Angels had the distinguishing feature. Wings. Lady has no wings, so she is not one of the angels. And I am sure she is not from the age of that war. I long had thought of one possibility but never asked because I was afraid of the consequences, but at this point, I had no other option.

"Are you from the Ancient World?"