Meeting the bears

Hi, I'm Shannon but everyone calls me Killer. I'm a 17 old non-binary girl. I have short brown hair that turns blond and it is my natural hair colour. I wear a binder under a black T-shirt with red ripped jeans, black army boots and a blue bandanna. I have a lip piercing, three stud nose piercings, a piercing in the bridge of my nose and a bunch of piercings in my ears. I have 4 little sisters Catelyn, Shantel, Jessie and Lacey. Catelyn is 10, Shantel is 13, Jessie is 17 and so is Lacey cause we are triplets. I am the oldest because I was born 2 hours early and I am the tallest and I am still growing. I have two brothers Damein and Kenny. Damein is 16 and Kenny is the same. So that was my family and if you hurt any of them I will kill you.

Words: 155