Going to a new school

Today I and my sisters are heading to our new school. One thing I hate about school is introductions. Like why do we have to introduce ourselves? Right now we are waiting for the teacher to tell us to come in. "And today we have three new students, please come in." We walked in and everyone's mouths dropped. You might be wondering why. Well, 1. How pretty I and my sisters are and 2. How tall I am because I am over 7 feet tall. "Hi, I'm name is Lacey this is my sister Jessie and my non-binary sister Shann- I mean Killer," Lacey introduced. "Hi, like my sister said I'm Jessie and I like to skate," Jessie explained. "I'm Killer and I'm the oldest out of my six sisters and brothers and no I am not 22 I am 17 so don't ask my age also if you hurt my family you will pay," I explained with a glare. "What gonna happen your parents going to kill the ones that do!" yelled a classmate. "Don't talk about my parents!" I yelled with fire appearing around me. "Shannon Violet Bear stop this right now and calm down, I know they mentioned mum and dad but you have to calm down!" Jessie reasoned. I calmed down and got raid of the flames. "Let me add this I won't be acting like this if my parents were still alive," I added.

"Okay please sit down girls," Ms cheered. "So today we will be working on a maths program after a maths quiz," explained Ms passed out the test and started the timer. When the timer was halfway through I finish. "Hey Ms why did you give such an easy quiz?" I asked. "What! There is no way you got everything right," Ms exclaimed. "Last time a teacher said that she got everything right and 50 bonus points because she added more information to every question," Jessie and Lacey blankly answered. "The thing is we are also down and are most likely to get everything correct," Jessie and Lacey said with state of a fact voice. Everyone was quiet for two reasons 1. That it could be true and 2. How Jessie and Lacey sounded the same it sounded like one person was talking. Ms just waved her hand to tell us to go outside. Me being me I head to the bathroom to do something.

Gore Warning

Once in the bathroom I pull out my razor and start cutting. 1 cut 2 cuts 4 cut 8 cuts 16 cuts 32 cut and 64 cuts. I stopped and grabbed the bandages out of my bag. After bandaging my legs I quickly run to my next class.

Gore Over

My next class was the practice of magic. The lucky part is my friend Bill is in the same class as me. A thing I know about him is that he is gay and likes a brown-haired boy named Dipper. The funny thing is Dipper is in are class. He is also my friend so it is fun when all three of us hang out. The sad thing is Jessie and Lacey are in a different class. Oh well, it will still be fun. Bill being the nasty dream demon he is reading my mind and grabbed my arm knowing I cut myself. "I told you to stop doing it," whispered Bill. I just stayed quiet wanting the lesson to start already.

Lucky me Dipper came over to talk to us. Bill let go of my arm letting me off the hook this time around. "Hey guys how are you?" asked Dipper. "Hmm, I've been good with having to take care of six kids and people asking if I'm their mum so good," I said floating upside down. "I'm good but Killer why do you have to be a show-off," said Bill. "I'm not showing off I'm just having fun because using my powers is almost as fun as pain," I replied. Bill rolled his eye just as the lesson starts. The lesson was easy for me and Bill. We even helped Dipper by putting the spell into more detail.

While waiting for the class to end I started to just float upside down. The teacher looked wide-eyed at me because of my birthmark and all the scars on my body. I have scars all over my body and a few nice big scars on my back.

I stopped floating and just sat on the ground to not show off my scars again. "Hey, Bill have you seen Izuku or Shoto around lately I thought they went to this school?" I asked. "Yeah I saw them in the hall while heading here," replied Bill. "Have you seen Bakugou or Kirishima around?" questioned Bill. "Yeah saw them making out in the hall earlier like usual," I replied. "Hey Killer who do you like?" Bill asked. "What is love?" I replied. Bill just sat there quite trying to figure out if I'm telling the truth. The bell rang just before Bill was going to talk.

I jump up and ran to the canteen. I got bored of running so I just teleported there. "Killer is that you!" screamed a green-haired boy. "In the flesh Izuku," I replied with my arms open. Izuku runs towards me and tackles me. I hugged him back of course. "Izuku can you get off me, please?" I asked. "No!" Izuku bit back. Since he wasn't getting off I made him float off me. "Your mean I just wanted to hug you," stated Izuku. I hug him to stop him from being mad. "Hey, have you seen Shoto?" Izuku questioned. I smiled, stepped back and snapped my fingers making Shoto appear then fall on Izuku. "Shannon Violet Bear!" they yelled. "Oh shit," I swore as I ran. To other people, you would be confused why an over 7 ft person would be running from people shorter than them. Well, the reason I'm running is that they found a way to make my powers weak. And I hate it when doing that cause it also makes voice high pitched. So I am running for my life. Lucky for me I teleported to my secret spot that no one knows about. I should apologise after they calm down.

Me being bored I call Kill one of Bill's brothers. "Kill you want to hang out?" I asked. "Fuck yeah!" screamed Kill. In a flash, Kill was standing in front of me looking down cause I was sitting down. He had the look that he was being cocky because he looks taller than me right now. I stand up and give him a hug. Now it's my turn to be cocky. "Let me guess you were thinking of Mason before I called yah," I stated with a cocky smirk. He just blushed and tried to punch me. Thanks to my fast reflex I caught his fist before it got close to my face. I lifted him up and then threw him on the ground. "Don't even try you already know what will happen," I stated with no emotion. He got up notice something is running down my pants. He looked me in the eyes with a sad look. I pretended I didn't see it and start walking back to school cause the bell rung.

Timeskip to after school by Izuku's adorable face.

Once I got home I was tackled to the ground. I can just tell by the size that it was Catelyn. "Welcome home Shan," greeted Catelyn. "Hi Catelyn," I replied. "Hey, I'm going to my room to do some stuff, okay?" I asked. Cate smiled and nodded her head. I headed to my room and turned into my demon form. The reason I hide it is because a demon killed my parents. And yes my family know about Bill, Kill and Will being demons because they made a deal with me that they protect my family and they get to hang out with cause they think that we interesting 'meat sacks'. I go hang out with Mason and Tyrone, Dipper's brothers because they the only one that knows I'm a demon. They are pretty cool. I appear behind Mason and he jumps out of his boots and I mean he jumped out of his boots. I just smirked and grab Mason's arm that swung at me. "You have 30 seconds to run before I get you," I stated with an evil glare. He runs off trying not to piss his pants. Tyrone just ran after him with a blank face. Let's just say I caught him and it was not pretty. We hung out and just talked. I said goodbye and went home.

Words: 1467