Learning our powers

It was the next day and like normal I was tried like hell. I stood up and grabbed my bag to start heading to school. Once I arrived at school I saw one of my oldest friends that I haven't seen in a while. "Sebastian what a surprise!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Hello, Ms Killer," he replied with a smirk. That bastard knew I hate being called Ms Before I replied a short 18-year-old boy with blue hair butted in "Sebastian, who is this person?" "Master Ciel this my friend Killer and is a demon-like me, who I'm pretty sure would be happy to help us," Sebastian answered with his normal face. "What is it that I can help you with?" I questioned. "Well we need help finding our way around this place," Ciel responded with an emotionless face. "Then just follow me, Ciel Phantomhive Earl of Phantomhive and his butler Sebastian," I formally answered. "How did you know my name!" Ciel screamed at the top of his lungs. "I know lots of things about you that I don't think even Sebastian knows about," I replied with the scariest voice I can do. Without another word, they followed me for a tour around the school. When we go to the science block I stopped and put my hands up to stop ongoing flying books. "Bill, why did you throw books at me when they could hit the people behind me!" I yelled with an angered voice. "Oh and don't try to hide Kill, 8-ball, and Mason Pines," I stated with the most emotionless voice. "Your no fun!" They yelled at me. "Shut up before I shove my foot down your throat!" I shot back with venom. "I am so sorry about them they are the people that cause most of the trouble around here," I explained. "So should we continue the tour?" I asked. They nodded and I went back to showing them around.

Time skip to the end of the tour.

"Okay, so do you have any questions about the school or questions you want to ask about me?" I question. "Yeah, why do you seem so emotionless like me?" Ciel asked. "Well, you see Ciel there one thing that we in common," I explained. "And that would be," he pushed on. "We both lost our parents at the age of ten," I continued. "What!" Sebastian screamed. "Yeah, Sebastian you know that day you went to Ciel to make the contact with him that was the same day my parents died protecting us and the day Jessie, Lacey and I figured out that we were the warrior triplets," I explained. "Which warrior are you?" Sebastian questioned complexed. "I'm the strongest and most scary so which one do you think I am," I stared blankly. "So you protect hell no wonder your a demon," Ciel exclaimed blankly. "That would be correct young lord," I formally congratulate him. "And I have another question, how do you know so much about me?" Ciel asked. "Well whenever I would go out for a walk I would hear so many of crooks think of ways to get in the manor and these would have information about you. I at first didn't care until one of the crooks mentioned Sebastian and that made me angry because of some of the things they were thinking was just disgusting so every time I would hear those thoughts I would knock them out and erase their memory so would not know who you are," I explained like it was normal. "So that explains why there haven't been so many attacks on the manor lately," Sebastian replied. RING RING. "That's the bell I'll see you guys after class and Sebastian be careful because there are a few people that might jump on you," I warned.

"Okay class, today we are going to find out what magic you guys can control," explained Ms I-don't-care "Everyone can do magic you just have to look deep inside yourself to find it." I roll my eyes and just look out the window not listening because at my old school my sisters and I did this last year. "Okay we have to go outside just in case some people have dangerous magic," exclaimed ms whatever. Almost everyone stood up and walked out through the door. My sisters and I just grabbed each other's hand and I teleported us outside. When everyone got to the field they were confused about how we got there so fast. "Okay since everyone is here we can start!" Ms yelled to get our attention. She started calling out names and when it came to my sisters and I's names we said it would be best if all three of us went at the same time. Ms nodded and let us go. We stood in a circle facing outwards and holding hands. After a few seconds, the purest white appeared around Jessie, the darkest red appeared around Lacey and pure black appeared around me. We then started to float and animal ears appeared on our heads. After being in the air for ten minutes we floated back down and said with no emotion "And that is not all we can do." To explain what we look like is Jessie's hair is pure white with white cat ears. Lacey's hair is dark red with red fox ears. I have pure black hair with black wolf ears that have parts of the ears missing. We all held our hands out and a flame the same colour of hair appeared in our left hands. In our right hands appeared a purple flame. We lift our left hands and the flames started to dance around each other until we lifted our right hands. The scene you could see was crazy and you almost wanted to touch it. We flew up to the giant flame and pulled out our fighting gear. Jessie had blood-red throwing knives and two samurai swords that are the same colour as her hair. Lacey has throwing knives that are aqua blue and two rose revolvers. I had black knives, two silver CZ p10c, and my long black-handled katana. "What the hell are you guys!" someone screamed. "They are the warrior triplets," Ms exclaimed dumbfounded. "What else can you guys do?" Ms questioned.

Time skip to after class cause I'm too lazy and you will find what they can do at a later time.

As I was walking to lunch I saw something that I didn't like. Some fucking bratty girl has Ciel pinned to the wall another one has Sebastian pinned to the wall. "Hey, what the hell are you guys doing to my friends!" I screamed at them. "We're going to kiss our boyfriends, what's it to you?" they exclaimed in sync. "Maybe because they are both my friends and gay," I shot back. I look at the boys and see them trying to get out I was already tried of these brats. I grab them by the back of their shirts and throw them on the ground. I grab Ciel and Sebastian then start running as fast as I can. "Hey Killer, who are they?" questioned Izuku and Todoroki. "The tall dude in black is one of my old friends Sebastian and the short one is Ciel," I introduced them. "Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya and this is my boyfriend Shoto Todoroki," Izuku introduced them. "Hey, Killer is everyone here LGBTQ?" Sebastian asked. "Almost everyone the only people that aren't is almost all the jocks and most of the brats/popular kids," I explained. "Why almost all of them?" Sebastian asked. "A few of my friends are jocks and/or popular with everyone in my friend group being LGBTQ," I explained. "Okay, so wha-" Izuku started. "DUCK!" I shouted. Everyone ducked while I put up a force field making everything thrown at us bounce off. "What the hell!" Todoroki shouted. "I just wanted to have a little fun," they explained. "Well, you didn't need to send explosions at us Bakugou!" I yelled at him. I send a shock wave towards to make him fall over. "It seems like you forgot who I am Bakugou," I stated. "Then who the fuck are you?" Bakugou questioned so confusedly. "I was the short girl who beat your ass in grade 6 mother fucker!" I screamed. "When the fuck did you get so fucking tall!" Bakugou yelled. "It is something called growing," I say simply. I quickly dash behind him and knock him out. "Now stay quiet," I command. Kirishima soon shows up. "Hello, Kirishima," I said. "What happened here and who are you?" Kiri asked. "He tried to blast us and I'm sad that you don't remember me a sharky shark," I explained. "Wait, KILLER?" he questioned. "The one and only, Kiri," I replied opening my arms. Kiri ran full blast at me making me fall over. "I thought I would never see you again!" he yelled with tears in his eyes. "We moved here yesterday," Jess said coming out of nowhere. "Jess, Lacey!" Kiri yelled again jumping off me to hug them. "I see you haven't changed much besides that your hair is red," stated Lacey. "Hey Kiri, I have a question," I stated. "Yeah," he replied. "Why?" I asked holding up Bakugou who is still unconscious. Kiri just blushed and didn't answer.

Time skips to the last period.

"Okay class today we will see how strong you are," Ms stated, "Everyone please go change into your gym clothes and Killer don't teleport." I nod and stand up. We all walk to the changing room and get changed. I walk out last in trackey pants with no shirt showing my abs and that I wear a binder. "Wow, she is ripped!" "Okay everyone gets into pairs!" Ms announced over everyone. I walked over to a purple-haired boy. "Hey, do you want to work with me?" I asked him. "Why not, my name is Shinzou and I can use mind control," Shinzou introduced. "I'm Killer and I am the warrior triplet of hell," I explained. "That explains why to have a death arua," Shinzou commented. "Yeah," I replied. "So, how are we going to train our powers?" I asked. "We can see how my powers work?" He suggested. "Okay, try asking me questions, and have it turned on?" I suggested. "Okay, what is your last crush?" He asked. "My last was a gi-," I started. "What is the best way to describe you?" He questioned. "A 7'0 tall, non-binary, pansexual, depressed, and suicidal cunt," I truthfully answer.

A/N: Sorry that this took a while to post I have been having sleeping problems and trying to get this done as quickly as possible even if no one is reading it. Just to let you know the next chapter might be longer than this one.

Words: 1783 (without A/N)