I am the CEO

Lipphire: so big(blush)

Yvine POV

I went for a walk

But then someone grabs my hand

Yvine: Ihno?

Ihno: Hi Malifiyae

Yvine: Don't use that name at me

Ihno: Why not, you have revenged on Hervin, why would you hide your old name

That's true but

Yvine: I can't face the people I left from the past (sad response)

Ihno: You can't run from it Yvine, you can't run from me

I pulled my hand

Yvine: What will you do then!?Huh?You think you would get Echizen from me?!, Sorry I won't let my past ruin my future, I and Echizen will be live in the future together and you won't belong to it

But suddenly he kissed me

I bite him

Ihno: Wild kitten

Yvine: How dare you do that

I'm about to leave him


Ihno: Yuren is gone, don't you think what would happen to Echizen? maybe you were his mother but you can't provide what a father can give

I know the difference when he's with Yuren between he is with me

Yvine: Why are you so confident that Your son would like you,You don't know him

I left him

(Next day)

I'm going to my parent's company

The Niven Enterprise I'm taking it back

(Niven Enterprise)

Came in


: Is that Yvine Anbis?

: Yes the daughter of our founder

I went to their meeting room

Seems like I will have some audience

(The current CEO of Niven Enterprise his name is Lucien Smithe)

Lucien: How can I help you Miss Yvine Anbis?

Others in the meeting room are murmuring at each other

Yvine: Mr. Lucien I'm here to take back this company

Everyone is shocked

Lucien: Your talking nonsense miss I'm the CEO of it even your parents was the past owner I can't give you this company, aren't you scared to take the consequences? This is head by me on 13 years

Yvine: Then it's so tiring right, to sit in there, it's time for me to change you right now

Lucien: You don't have rights to..

Yvine: Rights?, I am their daughter would that do?

Lucien: It's been 13 years you think other shareholders are going to trust you

Yvine: Yes, because I have the NeLay

The business tactics of Grane and Layla Anbis


Yvine: then it's up to all of you if who will be the one of the ruler of this

I left them

And go back to the

A.S company

To make an announcement

Lipphire: Yvine are you sure about it?

Yvine: I said it before, I am sure

(Hall of A.S company)


: It's Yvine Anbis

: What is she going to say?

: Maybe it's so important

Yvine: Hi I'm Yvine Anbis, first of all, thank you for coming, and now I'm gonna tell you so important


Yvine: I'm stepping down from the position of being a CEO of A.S company

And Let me introduce you to Lipphire Mille the new CEO

Reporter: Miss Yvine why would you do it, the A.S company symbolizes the Heiress of Anbis why would you give to a person that it isn't an Anbis?

Lipphire: You don't need to answer it


Yvine: Lipphire is my family so if you won't agree on it I don't care

I just left with Lipphire

Lipphire:(pulled my ear)You!, you think you will be the CEO of Niven? why are you so confident, what if you fail, people will criticize you if you come back

Yvine: Ouch!!,it's ok if I fail I have the other's A.S Businesses

Lipphire: Moron(let go my ear)


(Anbis Villa)

Lipphire: Yvine good record your the top1 news, Great (glare)

Yvine: ahhahaha what's wrong with it

Lipphire: It's mean they were watching your every move,Tshhh even top 2 you got it,#1Yvine gives up the A.S company ,#2 Yvine showed up to Niven Enterprise,I don't where to pick you if you fail

Yvine: What is that why are you so Negative hahahaha

Lipphire: Then you must have convinced the other shareholders

Yvine: I knew someone she is my ace

Lipphire; Then Don't just focus only on the company, how about Echizen?

Ah right I don't know, If I start to talk to him he always changing the topic, I don't know why

Yvine: Hahahaha I'm about to talk to him

Lipphire just gave me a death glare



Echizen: Come in it's open

Yvine: Baby it's me

Echizen: How's is it? looks like you were talking about everywhere

Yvine; Haha right, are you ok?

Echizen: I'm fine about it the reporters don't bother me

Yvine; It's not that about your Dad Yuren


Echizen: To tell you the truth, I'm not sure, I'm not convinced that he is already dead (tears falling)

Yvine; (near at him)I'm sorry kid but he is, no one will escape to that explosion

Echizen: It's just (sob) it's not fair (sob) II-I miss him (cry)

Yvine: Me too kid

(Just comforting my baby

Yvine: But I have good news, soon you are going to be a big brother

He silently smiled

Yvine: It's Saturday you want to hang out with me?

Echizen: no I have plans (suddenly change)

Yvine: With who?

Echizen: A friend classmate

Yvine: A girl?

Echizen: Oh come on I don't like girls

Yvine: Do you mean?you are?a?

He runs out

Echizen is he gay?


It must my fault he was with me all the time and he has no Male to interact within this house it's my fault!!!!!!Sorry Echizen I will buy you a dress then!!!

I'm going to a place it's an old house

But memorable

I'm about to go in but

An old woman stopped me

Old woman: Darling what are you doing here?

The old woman is wearing shades but then she removes it

Yvine: Lally?!

Grandma Lally: Long time no visit huh, brat

Yvine: that's me Yvine hahaha

Grandma Lally is the one who raised my mom she is with them for years

Yvine: Looks like your not rotting?

Grandma Lally: You rascal, I didn't hear what you said so here, come in

She preceded

She is making Tea

Grandma: I knew why your here your going to convince me to give the shares to you so you will be the Niven CEO

Yvine: You know me,and your answer?

Gtandma: I won't

What!!!!!!!! unexpectedly I was rejected

Yvine: Why not ?! My parents would love it if I will be the one who will own the Niven

She offered a tea

Grandma Lally: You think so, but it is the opposite of it

Yvine: Huh what are you talking about?

Grandma Lally: I was protecting you from the people who killed your parents

Yvine: Ah about that Hervin Lim said my Grandfather who was killed them is it true?

Grandma: Your grandfather was want to kill your mother but it's just a misunderstanding, your mother was raped by Evion Nepere your grandfather thought that he was your father,so your grandfather intended to kill your mother but your father protected her, your grandfather shot them, gladly they survived and it was revealed that you are indeed the daughter of Grane if I was there I immediately killllllll that old man

Yvine: Grandma Lally he is kind, he is a human he makes mistakes

Grandma: But .. it's not that I want to say the one who killed your parents they were dangerous

Yvine: I know but I can't sit and forget the past

Grandma: But don't let the past ruin your future

Yvine: I know but I have the NeLay my mom and dad want to do but they can't

So it's time for me to it for them so please Grandma Lally I want to do it and I will be alert for dangers

She just drinks her tea

Yvine: Grandma please I wa...

Grandma: Then be prepared for the dangers and as I said before

Yvine: Don't let the past ruin the future

Grandma: You got it

Yvine: Then?

Grandma: Not now you timid, tomorrow so I can be ready for it, you are really confident you don't know Lucien

Yvine: Hahahha he doesn't know me

(Waving her)

Yvine: Bye old woman and hope you would be rest and peace

I left her

I was going to the cemetery to visit them

My mom and dad

(Cemetery Lewt)

(Loving father and son)


(Loving mother and daughter)


Yvine: Mom Dad sorry you waited for long, Sorry for how many years just now, I taking back your company, then now maybe if I knew who killed you two, I promise I will revenge

I left but not far I saw a familiar hairstyle I just walked and just ignore him

Ihno: Malifiyae!

Darn I was exposed

Yvine: You brat dog I said it before don't call me that name, that Malifiyae is already dead!!!

Ihno: Fake dead FYI?

Yvine: Are you here to ruin my day?

Ihno: I'm here to visit him

(Point at a grave)


Yvine: Is he your brother?

Ihno: You moron my father

Yvine: ahh haha my mistake,sorry uncle,what happen?

Ihno: Just he disappeared


Ihno: Under of it,a empty coffin,my father Is a agent but then on his last mission he disappeared no one found him

Yvine: so you are going to find him?

Ihno: I'm not done, after 7 years he was found but just ash we saw a surveillance video that on a bomb he was taken

Flashbacking what happen to Yuren

Ihno: It's like what happened t...

Yvine: Stop! I was dumb listening at you

I about to left

Ihno: I love you

But continue to walk away from him

Ihno: I love you!

Walking away from him

Ihno: I love you Malifiyae!!!!

I was running right now away from that freak dog


Lipphire: Yvine!Something Happened!!


Lipphire: Someone killed Grandma Lally


Yvine Smirked

Yvine: Hahahahhaha

Lipphire: why are you so happy about it?

Yvine: Haha just I waited for long to rest in peace that old woman

Lipphire: What are you? really?Dumb?You said it before she was your ace

Yvine: Yes my ace she will always be the ace, then why don't we go to Niven

(Niven Enterprises)

Lipphire: Yvine doesn't embarrass me ok?

Yvine: Haha why are you so nervous

Lipphire: Yvine why don't you check first Grandma Lally?(nervous)

Yvine: Come on where here we don't have to retreat (smiled)

But Lipphire was nervous for Yvine

(Meeting room)

Lucien: So she's here the only heiress Anbis, you think you can win it from me

Yvine just smiled at him

Yvine take the center of the stage

Yvine: Then let's not make this more complicated, who wants me to rule this company

But no one raised their hands

Yvine: As expected

Lucien: So that shows that I'm going to remain as a CEO of this company

but then

Lally: Who said it would be yours?

everyone is shocked Lally sitting in a wheelchair

Lally do something to the projector

and it shows how Lucien Plan to kill Lally

Then the clip stopped

Lally: All of my shares I'm giving to Yvine Anbis the only heiress of Anbis

Lucien: No don't believe her that clip was fake

Lally: You can't fool them Lucien stop it, who didn't raise her or his hand for Yvine Anbis you are all fired

They panicked and also other shareholders

Lally: If you don't want to cut our partnership then Beat Lucien (smile)

so they did it the police came and they put Lucien in the cell

Lally: Yvine has the biggest shares so automatically Yvine Anbis the New CEO of Niven
