The Truth

Yvine POV

So I am the CEO of the Niven

(Good mood)

Yvine: Maybe Echizen would be proud of me that I owned the richest company hahahah


(Anbis Villa)

I came home but someone shocked me

Yvine: Ihno?!

I immediately pull him but Echizen stopped me

Echizen: Mom? He is my visitor? You remember he is my dad Yuren's friend right?

So he didn't say anything to Echizen

Yvine: Um Baby? Let me talk with this guy ok?

Echizen was silently walk to his room


Yvine: How dare you come here?

Ihno: You shouldn't stop me to see my son

Yvine: He's mine not yours!!!!

Ihno: Your mine so is he

I'm about to slap him again but he held my hand and kiss me

But now I didn't resist I don't why but I can't

(push him)

He stopped

I'm just looking him

Yvine: Why are you doing this?

Ihno: I said it before I love you for how many years I can't forget you

Yvine: Why? (tears are dropping into my cheeks) Why just now, now that I feel hatred towards to you

I wiped my tears

Ihno: you love me

Yvine: No!!! You won't change Yuren from my heart

Ihno: I won't change it because in the first place I am there in your heart for how many years I can't be replaced to your heart

Yvine: How do you know huh?,You think I will love you for what you did to me for what you said to me, you never said sorry to me, why? Because I don't deserve your sorry? Then eat it, I don't need it anymore!!


Ihno POV

She is going to?

I catch her

Ihno: Yvine?!Yvine! wake up

Echizen came out and run towards his mom

Echizen: What did you do at her? Dad Yuren if he is here this won't happen to her

Ihno: I don't know she suddenly fainted

Echizen: I don't need your explanation, in the first place It's my fault I let you in!

Ihno: I will call my Dr.

Echizen: No our Dr.!

He gets a phone and he called someone

After few minutes the doctor came

And checked Yvine

Dr.: Young Master your mother is alright just she was stressed but it's not good for her health

Echizen: Dr, thank you, I get it

Dr.: Young Master remind your mom that she must remember that she was pregnant

Echizen: I will assure it

She was pregnant?

It was?me?

(Flashback to my head)

At the Bar

I was so drunk so I came into a room

But a girl was in there I slept with her too dark

And I just smell a unique scent

I can't resist it but she moved first

She crawled to my body and

Girl: Satisfy me now please I beg you

So I can't stop it

I wake up and I saw her face a face that I want to see every morning

Ihno: So it's you Malifiyae

(Flashback ends)

Echizen: Hey! Why are you still here?

Ihno: Don't Hey me kid I have my name Ihno

Echizen: Tshh I can't believe that my Dad Yuren is your friend

Ihno: If I wasn't his friend,you won't be that good to me right?

Echizen: Yup

Ihno: But if I was your father would you be kind to me?

Echizen: Even you were my father it won't change my mind

Ihno: Okay (Sad response)

He was not like me,he was like his mother

Echizen: Leave, staying here would make my sibling at risk also my mother

I just left, if my son will know the truth he will accept me

If I had a chance I will say to you all that I've done for you two

I'm taking back my family and I assure you that they would be mine only mine

Next Day

Yvine POV

I opened my eyes and I saw my baby sleeping beside at me

Yvine: Baby wakes up, you have to go to school

He woke up but he was glaring at me

Yvine: Did I do something, wrong baby?

Echizen: You fainted and put my sibling into danger

Yvine: Ahaha sorry baby (smiled)

Echizen: Mom please don't make this a joke

Yvine: Ok fine I won't I will take care of myself so baby go to school now ok?

Echizen: Yes mom

He left

and I preparing to go at the company it's my first day I won't let them down

(Niven Enterprises)

While walking towards my office someone grabs my hair it's..

Yvine: Lu..

Ihno POV

Someone came to my office

Esti: Sir Miss Yvine is on danger!

Ihno: Get me the chauffer

Esti: Yes sir!

(On chauffer)

Ihno: What's happening?

Esti: This was the CCTV footage from her company

I saw a familiar man pulled the hair of Yvine and inject something into her

Ihno: It's Lucien,And what's happening now?

Esti: They were on the rooftop intending to push Miss Yvine out of the company

Ihno: Then that must be the reason to hurry

(1 km away to the Niven enterprise)

Ihno: Let's engage the smoke,you deal with Lucien I will get Yvine

Esti: Roger sir

So Esti point the Smoke gun to the top of the Niven


Esti jumped first

Ihno: Auto Pilot!

I jumped

and went where is Yvine she was on the edge of the rooftop if I wouldn't be careful she will die

I slightly removed the rope around her

But a wrong move has done

Yvine: Where am I (panicked)

she's going to....

I grabbed her

We were going to fall I was holding to the edge

Yvine: So high I'm going to die (crying)

Ihno: Don't move and don't look down

Yvine: I don't want to die (crying)

Ihno: Me too so behave

She's sniffing

So cute

But it's not time for that

Ihno: Yvine climb at me

Yvine: Huh?I-i can't I-I'm

Ihno: Hurry or we are both going to die

I can feel it she was grabbing my hips up to my shoulder so she was facing me

Yvine: It's so awkward if you face that way at me

Ihno: Huh?why?

she suddenly climbing up

she's breast blocking my face

Yvine: Can you lift me?I can't reach it

Ihno: No (can't breathe because of the breast)

Yvine: Then I have no choice

She put her legs to my shoulder my lips were touching of hers

Yvine: You talk you Die

I can smell the scent

(smelling like a pervert)

She was near to step to the top

Yvine: I made it!!

but then after that, I can't hear her voice did she left me?

I can't make it I was weakening I'm going to ...

Esti grab my hands and pulled me

I stepped on the rooftop and I saw Yvine lying down

I run into her

Ihno: What's happened to her?

Esti: She was drugged Lucien mention it before

Ihno: Might the injection,how about Lucien?

Esti: I throw him where he belongs

Lipphire came

Lipphire: Yvine!!Wake up!!

Ihno: She was drugged by Lucien

Lipphire: Thank you

She carries Yvine

Ihno: Maybe I can help

Lipphire stopped

Lipphire: Ok (cold response)

(Anbis Villa)

Lipphire: I will pick up the expertise for this

Ihno: Ah Esti can join you

They left

Few minutes ago

Someone runs into Yvine

Echizen: Mom you said you will take care of yourself why again you are so careless?!

I touch his head and Pat it

Ihno: Don't worry, your mom would be ok ,she was drugged

He faced me with a glare

Echizen: You drugged her!!!

Ihno: No it's not me I can't do it to your mom

Echizen: And why not!!! You are just like The one who killed my Dad Yuren!!!doesn't hesitate to kill!!

Ihno: No I wont kill her,listen I loved her

Echizen: Then why would I listen to you!!

Ihno: Because,...I

I must say it

I can do it

Ihno: I was your father

Echizen: No!!My father is only Dad Yuren

Ihno: Please accept it Echizen I am your real Father

Echizen: No I won't accept you!!!

Ihno: Please listen to me first

When I met your mom were are in high school I inlove with her,her smile,her presence I love it, we both confess so were dating but we decided to stop because back then your mom was annoyed because I was famous she didn't wish to have a boyfriend like me,she was also famous because of her sport her smile and her body ,so that many boys dreaming to get her ,we are both famous so the people around us don't want it so we decided to be friends but I wish we didn't do it because after that your mom became different and I just let her change

after how many years I always checking her if she alright or having a hard time and there's the day we made you Echizen after that I regret everything I admitted I was too harsh to her I have so annoyed for her changed personality..but then I have just known that she went to Italy and die also thereafter of it I hated myself my heart broke I nearly suicide but my brother stopped me and encourage me to find again for another happiness I work hard for being a detective and I become one, I quickly undergo to the case of your mom and I known that it was fake, she faked her death and at first I thought it was Lipphire and I've known It was your mom so Echizen please let me be your father

He was so quiet

Ihno: Please

Echizen: My answer is No