The threat to Sevika

After reading the news all of them realised that they were in big trouble. The man was not a normal lunatic trespasser but one of the main priests of a famous temple.

Looking at his photo in the news they saw his opened eyes for the first time. That old man had ink black orbs. But the strange thing was when they looked at the man's photo, a chill ran down their spines. Even though they knew that it was only a photo, all of them felt those ink black eyes looking deep inside their soul and that smile seemed like a smirk which said, "I told you…."

Now all of them felt uneasy in their hearts. They were still churning out the things said by that old man and all of them had turned out to be true.

They did not speak anything as Melvin got up and brought a bottle of Billionaire Vodka. They quickly poured it inside glasses and gulped it down.