The Boon from the Teenager

After Sevika left, both Sage and Mei Wang sat face to face. Silence had filled the room. They did not know what to say. Moreover, they were in a deep turmoil. At last, Mei Wang breathed out heavily, "so, what are we going to do now?"

Sage looked out of the window, "we don't have any other way. We must go to that bridge."

Mei Wang frowned and replied, "you know we can't do it. It's because of that reason that we are living so far from the Shashi Village!"

Sage glared at him, "I know! I know damn well that we are restricted from entering the village or the area around it!!"

"But we don't have any other way. We have to go to that bridge and do what Sevika had told us! It's the only way for us!"

Mei Wang threw a glass at the wall and cursed, "those friggin villagers! How dare they ban us from entering there!!"

Yet, he knew exactly why they banned them.