Aman's Promise Toe-Rings

Hearing this announcement everyone's hearts dropped. But it seemed Nagraj was not finished yet,

"And a week later after that Prince Yukt's Agglutination ceremony and The Ascending ceremony of Vasuki clan will take place in the Shesha Royal Palace. Another week later, their wedding ceremony would be held in a private ceremony inside the Shesha Palace."

These words silenced everyone. Finally Aadi whispered, "but father….tha- that would be two- two…."

It was Nagrani Shakti who answered, "Polygamy was never illegal, Crown Prince. It's just that many people started practicing monogamy that they forgot about it. So it's still possible in your case. Maya would become your first wife as well as get the position of Crown Princess while Prince Yukt would be your second husband. "

Aadi was aggrieved, "but that cannot be possible! My Angel cannot be a second husband! He should be my one and only! I don't want anyone else!!"