The Unfulfilled Promise of Confession

The cool breeze blowing inside the vast jungle made the trees and it's leaves shake. The grass was not too long and looked mowed recently. The large trees around were grown in different crooked angles growing towards the direction of sun. After all, in such a dense forest like this, sunlight was a little difficult for trees.

Dev stood near one of these trees. He looked at the ground, inside the large dark green grass and plants there was a line of lemon green grass. This line of grass represented the boundary of Rishi Durvasha's Ashram.

He looked around his surroundings and slowly snucked away. He pushed a few bushes and after passing a few trees, he entered inside a small rock cave.

The cave magically lit up as he started walking inside. He reached a certain spot. Rishi Durvasha's teachings were quite effective after all. Now it only took a glare of his eyes and the portraits unveiled themselves.