The Poison's Past

  While the two women were glaring daggers at each other, Master Rain came forward and stood in between everyone in the room.

"Anyway, enough with the jokes. I need to talk to Shen Bao in private, you should all leave," Master Rain said then turned to the retainer, "You included," he said.

This caused the retainer to frown since he has always been a part of Master Rain's every step. It was confusing to him to be excluded from a conversation.

Soon everyone left the house, and I was thankful that I no longer remained under that pressure.

"Shen Bao," Master Rain said as he started pacing forth and back.

"To be honest, I wanted to kill you the first day I saw you," he said.

"Likewise," I replied.

"Enough with the comedy, I'm being serious," he said.

"And why did you want to kill me?" I asked this time seriously.

"For this," he said as he pointed at my chest.

I knew what he meant.

"The Heritage?" I asked