Another Step

It was pretty dark right now, and I honestly didn't feel like explaining to both Liang Yu and YuYu what had happened earlier, not that I had done anything wrong, but try and explain to a woman that you're not wrong and you'll be the one saying sorry by the end.

I've decided to take my leave and go on a lonely walk to calm my mind.

I took several Ancient Steps and was away from the Heavenly Academy's housing area in almost no time.

Under the gaze of the moon, the fresh calm breeze of a summer night. I was able to calm myself and slowly think of what went on.

I've thankfully managed to obtain some good treasures from the venture I just went through, though it wasn't all too easy. I learned many things, such as the full Ancient Martial art, the Fist of Roaring Ki, and then gained this new body that is far firmer, stronger, and faster by all means and it can only grow in power.