The 10 Billion Milestone, Gaining Another Bloodline

As they watched the Flying Dragon Troops flee for their lives, aside from stupefaction, everyone also felt like all their anger had been worked off.

Those fellows carrying the "elite troops" title were a bunch of bandits from head to toe—greedy and ugly.

This wasn't the first or second time that everyone had wanted to teach them a lesson. Unfortunately, they simply weren't powerful enough, so they could only watch helplessly as they acted all bossy and arrogant.

However, their wish had finally come true today.

Meng Lei had frightened the Flying Dragon Troops so badly that they fled for their lives and thoroughly disgraced themselves with just a few words. How satisfying!

"The ant tide has finally been exterminated!"

Ol' Amos twisted his beard as he looked down upon the charred lands. He heaved a long sigh of relief and said, "You've made a huge contribution in this matter, boy. Who knows, you might just earn yourself the title of an Earl!"