Golden Bloodline, An Explosive Increase In Physical Strength

Golden Gods-Slaying Ant bloodline?

A bloodline?

Meng Lei was a little taken aback. He had picked up a bloodline again? But what was this Golden Gods-Slaying Ant bloodline?


During Meng Lei's moment of distraction, innumerable dazzling golden light rays suddenly pierced through his skin and shot out of his body, lighting up the whole place in an instant.

Right on the heels of it, the golden light rays turned into sticky, viscous glue-like golden flames. They shrouded Meng Lei entirely, and then, they began to blaze.


A wave of severe pain, as if capable of ripping Meng Lei's insides apart, erupted from within his body and assaulted his nerves like a fierce, surging tidal wave.





Meng Lei let out a loud cry, feeling as if his entire self was about to be ripped apart. He doubled over and pounded the ground with his fists, his countenance savage.