Magic Talent For Eight Elements, Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast


The green wind blade easily broke the ice armor on the Diamond Mammoth and buried itself into its body.

0.01 second later, it flew out of the Diamond Mammoth's body. Then, it cleaved all the way into the thick layer of snow on the ground, cutting a deep fissure in it.


The Diamond Mammoth froze on the spot as a thin line of blood formed on its neck. Scarlet blood spurted everywhere and gushed like a fountain, leaving scattered spots of crimson on the silvery-white snow!

"Ding! 1 Diamond Mammoth killed. 12.3 billion gold coins gained!"

The system's voice notification sounded at that moment. It was only at this point that the Diamond Mammoth's head finally separated from its body. It crashed onto the ground with a loud boom, and then it stopped moving.
