Magic Talent For Ten Elements, Coming Back To Life

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Many metal spikes that could cover the whole place pierced through the air and shot toward Meng Lei at lightning-quick speed. They reached right in front of Meng Lei in an instant, seemingly wanting to stab so many holes into him that he'd turn into a sieve.

There was nowhere to hide and nowhere to dodge, so he could only take them on head-on.

"Piece of cake!"

Meng Lei shook his head lightly. With a mere thought, Earth Guardian's Saintly Armor quietly manifested.

Then, while facing the whole sky of spikes, Meng Lei charged brazenly toward the Titanic Golden-Shell Turtle, all the while actually ignoring Arrow Storm, the ninth-grade spell.


At the sight of this, the Titanic Golden-Shell Turtle's head retracted into its shell again, leaving Meng Lei only an enormous turtle shell.

"This again? Can't you just fight me head-on?"