Turning Back Time, Coming Back To Life

"The way it should be?" Meng Lei looked stupefied. "The Two-Headed Great Earth Lion that I've killed has come back to life, and you're telling me this is just the way it should be?"

"How ignorant of you!" Ol' Amos shook his head, laughing as he did so. "Let me ask you something. If the Magical Beasts that you've killed were really dead, wouldn't all the Magical Beasts in the Dragon God Tower have been massacred after the last 40,000 years?"

The question dumbfounded Meng Lei.

"If all the Magical Beasts inside the Dragon God Tower were dead, then will there still be any need for future generations to challenge the tower? That way, is there still any meaning to the Dragon God Genius Ranking?"

Meng Lei found himself dumbfounded once more.

"The last question—if everyone behaves like you and slaughters the Magical Beasts level by level, won't the challengers following after you be able to go up to the same level as you effortlessly?"