Hermaphrodite, This Is My Mount

The underground cave was deep and bottomless.

After Meng Lei walked for 15 minutes or so, an enormous underground pool finally appeared. Mist drifted about above the pool, such that one couldn't see how deep it was or how wide it spanned. It looked just like a celestial pool.

In the center of the pool laid an exotic-looking Magical Beast that bore a striking resemblance to a Chinese giant salamander. A milky-white color throughout its body, it looked as if it was made out of fine white tallow jade. It looked incredibly soft, smooth, white and tender, sparkling and translucent, bright and clear, and as tender as though water was going to ooze out of it…

Its skin could make countless noblewomen and young debutantes ashamed of their own unseemliness, as well as countless beauties and young ladies insanely jealous.