Crushing A Hammer, Taking In A Spy

Much like a monkey riding a colorful cloud that had appeared out of nowhere, Meng Lei descended from above and frightened everyone.

"Be on guard, everyone! Someone's trying to seize our prey from the jaws of death!"

Following the shout from a girl with blond wavy locks and wearing a golden magic robe with a golden spell in her hand, all six of them instantly stopped their attacks and directed their gazes at Meng Lei with extreme caution.

"I was wondering who it could be. So it's just a little brat who hasn't even grown up!"

The blond girl quietly heaved a sigh of relief. Then, she said, "Leave at once, and we can put this behind us, brat. Otherwise, don't blame us if we go hard on you!"

"Where did that kid come from? Get lost!"

"How dare you snatch our prey? Do you have a death wish?"

The other five people also straightened their backs as they relaxed their guard. They stared coldly at Meng Lei with contempt in their eyes.