Intense Clash, Goddess Says Really Flagrant

Meng Lei's divine cognition spread out as he could see every nook and cranny within the area of 50 kilometers, revealing anything from hills and rivers to mosquitoes and bugs.

If it were before, he would only be able to see.

However, as long as Meng Lei was willing, he could just 'take' these things out of thin air, to be more exact, teleport over.

"Such an amazing ability. Let me test it out!"

Meng Lei found something in the sedimentary rocks underground as he teleported it over with just a thought. It was a rusty chest.

Meng Lei was overjoyed—this ability was really useful, especially for digging treasures, stealing, or looting treasuries.

"Master, what's this?" Bubbles asked curiously as he saw Meng Lei standing for a while, and a chest appeared out of nowhere.

"Nothing, just testing out new abilities."