Rich Rewards, The Angel Is Born

As the facts had demonstrated, there was no-one who could face death calmly—not ordinary humans and much less near-immortal half-deities with eternal lifespans.

In fact, half-deities feared death even more so than ordinary humans!

And wasn't that so? Because the Spider Goddess, the most ancient and most savage half-deity in the underground world, had also submitted to him!

"Knowing that it would've turned out this way, why bother doing all that earlier?"

After refining the Spider Goddess' divine spirit origin energy, Meng Lei retracted the Netherworld Divine Fire on the Spider Goddess and officially took her in under his wing.

"How despicable of you!"

The Spider Goddess, who had transformed into her true form, glowered furiously at Meng Lei, her eyes brimming with indignation.

"Do you not admit defeat?"