Rich Rewards, The Magical Beast God

The lake they were at was known as Lake Skyblue. Occupying an area of several million square kilometers, it was the largest lake in the vicinity and was occupied by the Skyblue Black-Winged Snake.

As a lesser deity-level divine beast, the Skyblue Black-Winged Snake was the reigning overlord of the lake. None of the Magical Beasts there could contend against it.

The lake was the Skyblue Black-Winged Snake's private paradise where it could do whatever it wanted.

It looked for food whenever it was hungry, intertwined itself around the trident at the bottom of the lake, and slept when it was full. It lived a leisurely and contented, comfortable, and carefree life.

Yet on this day, just as the Skyblue Black-Winged Snake was sleeping lazily as per usual, the trident underneath it had suddenly vanished into thin air!

The Skyblue Black-Winged Snake woke up with a start. Then, it spotted Meng Lei, who was suspended above the lake, and flew into a rage.