Wind Blade Grand Burial, Life Guardian

A waterfall measuring tens of thousands of meters wide cascaded from the sky like the Milky Way gushing down from the heavens. Mist wafted about the surroundings, forming a spectacular sight that looked as though it came straight out of a celestial realm.

However, no one was admiring the spectacular-looking waterfall at the moment because of the highly tense situation in front of them.

"Human, Gods-Demons Continent isn't a place where you can act so presumptuously! I'm warning you—leave at once!"

An icy glint gleamed in the Magical Beast God's eyes. It gave off a forceful and intense aura as though a ferocious primeval beast that might go berserk and kill Meng Lei anytime.

This guy is much more powerful than Lorenzo, the six-winged Virtue Angel. Be it its divine body or its power of divinity, both are top-notch even among intermediate deities!