Limits-Level Divine Body, Pinnacle-Grade Divine Spirit

Cerberus was an extremely fearsome divine beast. An adult Cerberus could even swallow a higher deity alive. They could be said to have an exceptionally wild and violent nature.

Additionally, they also inherited a characteristic typical of canines—their reproduction rate was especially high. Cerberuses had a wide distribution in high-end demonic existential planes like the Netherworld, the Demon Realm, and Hell.

As a result, Cerberuses were even more fearsome and more powerful than the Divine Netherworld Phoenixes!

Therefore, one mustn't underestimate the little dog that looked remarkably similar to a husky. It would grow into an extremely fearsome existence in the future!

However, it was ultimately still just an adorable little puppy at the moment. A few bones were enough to trick it into running around in circles, and it showed great affection for Meng Lei.

"Good doggy!"