New Home, The Demon God Descends


Howling chilly winds wreaked havoc in the ice fields.

A world of ice completely covered in frost and snow, these were the Far Northern Icelands of Heaven's Vault Continent.


A huge shadowy mass suddenly traveled swiftly across the ice fields—it was actually an astonishingly large group of humans that numbered tens of thousands flying in the sky.

Upon closer look, they turned out to be tens of thousands of shabbily-dressed Beast People. At the moment, however, they all sported fearful and horror-stricken looks on their faces and looked as if they were full of despair.

Above them was a Multi-Armed Behemoth—it was Meng Lei's Magical Beast pet, Sacas.

"Listen up now!"

Sacas tried to comfort the Beast People as they flew. It said, "The new home that I'm bringing all of you to is an all-new continent. There, the lands are vast, and the resources rich and abundant. It's a perfect habitat to live in!