Instantly Killing The Demonic Dragon, Besieging Meng Lei

Nobody expected Meng Lei and Dark Demonic Dragon Uno's battle to end so quickly.

After all, that was a 1,000,000-feet-long Dark Demonic Dragon whose strength rivaled an intermediate deity. Yet Meng Lei had actually blasted its head apart with a stomp of his foot. Just how vast was the gap in strength between the two?

"He's taken out an intermediate deity-level Dark Demonic Dragon in an instant! That human has become stronger again!"

"As expected, he's hiding a huge secret on himself!"

The Beast God and the Titan Spiritual God exchanged a look in the faraway distance, both seeing hints of graveness, alarm, and horror in each other's eyes.

Meng Lei's emergence was simply too quick. It definitely didn't exceed ten years, even at the longest estimation.

Ten years!

He had grown from a weak and lowly human brat into an existence that could instantly kill a Demon God. Just how terrifying was his cultivation speed?