Thundering Fury, Headshot With One Punch

"That cheap, lowly human is doomed! With that many Demon Gods there, they'll definitely rip him into shreds!

"In comparison, I'm more concerned about those people. Where exactly are they from? And why are they willing to work for Helibos?"

The Beast God and the Titan Spiritual God stood proudly in the sky as they kept a close watch on the Dragon God and the others' movements. The more attention they paid to them, the more questions arose in their minds.

Where did that many Dark Demonic Dragons come from?

Why were they willing to help the Dragon God?

What was their purpose in coming to Heaven's Vault Continent?

"Both you and I know that Helibos has always been alone. Although he's technically a member of the Colossal Dragon Gods, he's not valued at all."