Burnt Ships, New Understanding

Whoo whoo!

The cold wind continued.

Hiss hiss...

When Ye Bei's body released a strong killing intent, the surrounding mutant beasts trembled uncontrollably.

They had seen Ye Bei's body grow bigger with their own eyes.

And coupled with the beasts' instinct of detecting danger, the fear in their eyes grew more and more.

Especially now that Ye Bei's gaze was still dead-fixed on them.


These mutant beasts had misunderstood.

Although Ye Bei's gaze was on them, his attention was completely focused on the system.

"After the host evolved, because the territory has doubled in size, the host's mental strength is naturally doubled! This feeling is very normal... It is an illusion caused by the signal fluctuation. In other words, the host is currently being monitored by human technology."

The system's reply was very direct.

Hm? ...

However, when Ye Bei heard this reply, his eyes immediately widened.