The Natural Instinct a Beast Should Have


Ye Bei's gaze was still cold.

There was no emotion in his pitch-black pupils.

A beast was already cold enough.

But the current Ye Bei was clearly even colder than a beast.

Chi Chi!

He spat with his tongue out.

"All of you saw it just now! In my eyes, all of you are just food...but if you all display your worth, I can consider not killing you. Those humans are really too annoying. From today onwards, all of you will guard the entire island, all of the beaches, and all the places where humans might roam! As long as you find anything abnormal, eliminate immediately... You all can do these, right?"

Ye Bei's words were entirely spoken in a commanding manner.

Since he had already shocked all of the mutant beasts, at this point in time, it was obviously the most appropriate to make them work for him.

Roar roar!

Howl howl howl...

Woo woo woo!

Tch tch...