Genetic evolution points


Research island. Beach.

Jin Shizi ignored the injuries on his body. He opened his mouth wide and roared when he saw the huge ship.

"Everyone, follow me! Destroy that ship."

All the mutant lions behind him could understand his roar.


Thump thump thump...

Standing on the beach, all the mutant lions, including Jin Shizi, suddenly retreated and stomped on the ground.

Their legs dug deep into the sand and sizzling sound was heard.

But then, their muscles contracted and generated an even powerful explosive force...

With a forceful stomp, their bodies flew up directly.

Thud thud thud...

Then, the lions landed on the huge ship one by one.


Jin Shizi, especially, was filled with an unprecedented anger when he saw the firing battery.

He rushed towards the battery desperately.


When his body collided with the battery, a rumbling sound exploded from the ship.