The descent of the king

Death forest.

Ye Bei was in the midst of comprehending his data.

"Blood value, if I'm not wrong, refers to the extent to which my body can be injured... At full condition, it's 100 points. No matter where the injury is, my blood value will decrease. Once my blood value reaches 0, I'll die, right?"

"Theoretically speaking, that's so! However, during the battle, host can obtain blood value through devouring! It is like the health bars in the game set by humans... In fact, host has blood value on your body before, but it's hidden and can't be seen. Now, it's digitized."

"Ok! My mental strength points should be the same. Although my mental strength is very powerful, it is definitely not unlimited. When I used it before, I could faintly feel my mental strength become weaker whenever I utilize it!"

"Using mental strength will reduce its points! Through devouring and resting, its points will recover quickly."