
Deep in the sea, ye bei's body was coiled up calmly.

However, the boundless killing intent that was released ...

In the submarine's cockpit, all the humans felt a chill in their bodies. A bad feeling spread from their heads to their entire bodies. Even their breathing became extremely rapid at this moment.

The aura of death!

Yes, at this moment, they all felt an unprecedented aura of death.


In the next moment, ye bei moved.

His body turned into a shadow under the scanning of the submarine's radar and sonar detector.

In the blink of an eye, that huge body appeared in the middle of the group of sharks.

Through the special 'glass' of the submarine, under the illumination of the searchlight, the outline of his entire body could be seen by the naked eye of these humans.

It was detected by the sonar radar just now.

That kind of detection was completely different from what the naked eye could see.

... This was an incomparably huge Python.