Talking to Tony

"Since you were all sent by Tony, then contact him now!"

Ye bei's voice was cold.

Although he was unable to transmit his voice to humans far away through the communication device to let them understand what he meant, he was unable to do so.

But don't forget ...

There were still a lot of humans here.

When the time comes, I'll just pass my voice to the submarine pilots and let them pass on my words. Wouldn't that do?

Contact Tony?

In the remaining submarines, all the pilots were in a state of confusion.

But ...

Ye bei's powerful mental power had a huge impact on them.

Soon, people began to dial their communication devices. At this moment, ye bei also broke the restrictions on communication.


Just as the call connected ...

Before the man could say anything, an angry growl came from the communicator.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why did they all lose their target just now? Damn it, tell me what's going on ..."

It was Tony's voice.